


representation, racism , colorism


This empirical and bibliographic research, of a descriptive and qualitative nature, problematizes the concepts of racism, colorism and representation observed in social media debates, when Jô Santana, show director of “Dona Ivone Lara – the musical,” chose singer Fabiana Cozza to play the Queen of Samba. Comments posted on the play’s official Facebook page and on Cozza’s Instagram account, as well as the online posts and repercussion after the singer refused the role will be analyzed to understand how the racist ideology acts in social practice and in virtual discourses. The organizers’ announcement requesting candidates to play the role of “Rainha do Samba,” with no criteria for dark skinned Black artists, and the hue contrast between Cozza and Dona Ivone Lara fueled the debates. This study will be guided by three axes of responses to the announcement: 1) denial of the need for verisimilitude; 2) acceptance of Cozza’s Black identity, but not of the invitation; and 3) questioning around the singer’s Black identity. It will also analyze the content of the discussions regarding racial relations, if they have gained greater visibility, considering the outreach of social media. Its theoretical framework includes authors such as Sueli Carneiro, Muniz Sodré, Teun Van Dijk, Stuart Hall, Alice Walker, and Manuel Castells, among others.


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Author Biographies

Lídia Michelle Azevedo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Doutoranda e mestre em comunicação e cultura pela Escola de Comunicação da UFRJ e co-coordenadora do Grupo de Estudos Muniz Sodré sobre Relações Raciais.

Renata Nascimento da Silva, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação da UERJ, pesquisadora do grupo de pesquisa TRAMA/UERJ e co-coordenadora do Grupo de Estudos Muniz Sodré sobre Relações Raciais.

Zilda Martins, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Grupo de estudos Muniz Sodré sobre Relações Raciais (GEMS) - LECC/ECO/UFRJ


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