Gender History, Global History, and Atlantic Slavery

On Racial Capitalism and Social Reproduction




Gender, Global History, Atlantic slavery


Bringing into connection the scholarship on social reproduction and racial capitalism shows that the global history of Atlantic slavery is a gendered story; and the gendered history of Atlantic slavery is a global story. Attending in particular to reproductive labor in all its forms, and to the centrality of gender relations to the transmission of property and status, enables greater understanding of Atlantic slavery as a critically important aspect of modern global history. Indeed, without attention to gender and specifically to reproductive work, the global history of Atlantic slavery will inevitably be partial and incomplete. The reproductive work of women in Africa, as well as in the Americas, should be understood as an integral part of the development of Atlantic slavery, and thus of racial capitalism.


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Author Biographies

Diana Paton, University of Edinburg

Doutorado em História pela Universidade de Yale, New Haven, EUA. Professora de História na Universidade de Edimburgo, Escócia.

Caroline da Silva Mariano, University of São Paulo

Mestrado em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil.

Caroline Passarini Sousa, University of São Paulo

Mestrado em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo.

Letícia Gregório Canelas, University of São Paulo

Doutorado em História pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo. Professora Colaboradora (Edital - Programa de Atração e Retenção de Talentos-PART) e Pesquisadora - Pós Doutorado da Universidade de São Paulo , Brasil.



How to Cite

PATON, D.; MARIANO, C. da S.; SOUSA, C. P.; CANELAS, L. G. Gender History, Global History, and Atlantic Slavery: On Racial Capitalism and Social Reproduction. Afro-Ásia, Salvador, n. 67, p. 583–633, 2023. DOI: 10.9771/aa.v0i67.55621. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


