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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • the contribution is original and has never been published (special cases described in Author Guidelines must be stated in Coments to the Editor);
  • the article has not been submitted for consideration in another journal, nor is it being published as a chapter in an edited volume;
  • submission text files are in ODT, DOC, or DOCX formats;
  • all images have been included as separate TIF, JPG, or PNG files, and comply with the dimension and format recommendations in Author Guidelines;
  • authors have the legal rights to reproduce all images included;
  • DOI numbers or internet links to bibliographic and archival references and have been provided whenever possible;
  • recommendations for Assuring a double-blind review have been followed, precluding direct or indirect identification of authorship;
  • the article complies with the citation style described in Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Afro‑Ásia accepts the submission, on a continuous basis, of original, previously unpublished articles from any area of the social sciences and humanities that represent a significant contribution to the scholarly debate in the fields of African and African Diaspora, as well as of Asian Studies (which here includes the Middle East).

Afro‑Ásia is a Portuguese-language journal. We will consider originals in English, French, or Spanish, but a professional-level Portuguese translation must be provided by the author if the article is accepted for publication.

Afro‑Ásia will not accept manuscripts already published (regardless of the language), that have been submitted to another journal, or that are in process of publication as part of a monographic or collective book. Articles that include portions of previously published work, even if partially modified, will be returned. If the work has already been presented orally at scientific conferences, or is an adaptation of portions of an unpublished thesis or dissertation, this must be acknowledged in the relevant section of the submission form. Authors are responsible for obtaining and keeping all necessary authorizations required for conducting the research that led to the article, as well as for the use of images reproduced therein.

The submission process discussed above relates only to articles. Book reviews, interviews, tributes, commented primary sources and other special materials are handled separately by the editors.

All authors should inform their ORCID IDs during the submission process.

Before submitting your article, please make sure you have read our Peer Review Process. For further information, in case of technical difficulties, or if you have any doubts about the submission procedures, please contact the editors directly through the e-mail address

To submit an article, observe the following rules and procedures:

  • the text should be 8.500-16.000 words long;
  • an abstract should be provided (120-150 words long), in both Portuguese and English;
  • 3-5 keywords should be indicated, in both Portuguese and English;
  • any section of the text or file properties that could identify the authorship, direct and indirectly, should be removed (see Assuring a double-blind review);
  • the article must be submitted in an editable format (ODT, DOC, or DOCX);
  • all images, photographs, frames, graphics, maps, and other illustrations should be provided in separate files, with 600 pixels minimum width, 150 dpi, as lossless TIF, JPG, or PNG files (gray-scale frames, graphics and maps are preferred, as long as legibility is not compromised);
  • the main file should incorporate all illustrations, even in low resolution, around the place they are meant to appear, numbered sequentially and matched by a caption, with their respective sources;
  • tables should be inserted directly into the text using the word processor resources, numbered sequentially and accompanied by a caption, with their respective sources;
  • quotations of up to 4 lines should figure inline, surrounded by double quotation marks, while longer ones should be presented as an indented block, without quotation marks (in both cases, and also for indirect quotations, references should be given in footnotes);
  • quotations in languages other than Portuguese should be translated, except when the line of argument demands otherwise (the responsibility for the translation should be indicated in the first occurrence);
  • the spelling of primary sources and direct quotations should be updated to meet current standards, except when the original spelling itself is subject to examination;
  • interpolations and ellipses in quotations should figure inside square brackets;
  • there should be no separate bibliography or list of sources;
  • footnotes, whether reference or explanatory, should be placed only after punctuation marks, preferably at the end of sentences, and whenever possible at the end of paragraphs.

Citation Style

References to quotations, direct or indirect, of bibliography or sources should observe the following.


  • References to archival materials should reflect the arrangement and description conventions of the archival institution. In the first citation there must appear (in the following order and separated with commas) the archival institution and the city where it is located, the fonds or collection, the series, the folder, box, or case number, etc., followed by the document title in italics, with the place and date where it was written. Whenever possible, in the first citation include an acronym for the institution and for the document being cited. In following citations, provide only the acronyms, and an abbreviated title.

    Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo (ANTT), Lisboa, Serviço de Centralização e Coordenação das Informações de Angola, Processos de Informação (SCCIA 006), cx. 271, proc. 297 (Frente Unida Angolana), ff. 36-57, Programa e Estatutos, Lisboa, [ca. maio 1962].
    Subsequent citations: ANTT, SCCIA 006, cx. 271, proc. 297, Programas e Estatutos.

    Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique (AHM), Maputo, Secção A, Diversos Confidenciais (A DC), cx. 7, maço 7, Nota confidencial 42 do Governador Geral de Moçambique, Freire de Andrade, ao Ministro da Marinha e Ultramar, 6 nov. 1909, fl. 108.
    Subsequent citations: AHM A DC, cx. 7, maço 7, Nota confidencial 42, fl. 110.

  • References to historical newspapers and magazines should present (in the following order and separated with commas) the publication title in italics, the city, the date, and the pages. It is important to note, in the first citation, the periodical’s institutional or digital repository. Subsequent citations should give only the title, date and cited page numbers. References to signed articles should begin with the author’s name, followed by the title in quotation marks.

    Idade d’Ouro do Brasil, Salvador, 22 dez. 1811, p. 4. Disponível na Hemeroteca Digital da Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil,
    Subsequent citations: Idade d’Ouro, 5 mar. 1815, p. 3.

    Diário de Luanda, Luanda, 14 out. 1974, p. 3. Disponível na Biblioteca Nacional de Angola.
    Subsequent citations: Diário de Luanda, 9 abr. 1974, p. 7.

All dates should be given in d mmm aaaa format, with month abbreviations rendered in Portuguese (6 abr. 1865, 20 maio 1954, 8 out. 1912 etc.).


To ensure the consistency of bibliographic references, Afro‑Ásia strongly recommends utilizing a reference manager (such as Zotero or Mendeley). “Afro-Ásia” citation style can be installed directly using the reference manager, and can also be downloaded here.

  • Books

    Emília Viotti da Costa, Crowns of glory, tears of blood: the Demerara Slave Rebellion of 1823, Nova York: Oxford University Press, 1994, pp. 217‑219.
    Subsequent citations: Costa, Crowns of Glory, pp. 209‑210.

    Inocência Mata (org.), A rainha Nzinga Mbandi: história, memória e mito, 2ª ed., Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2012, pp. 156‑163.
    Subsequent citations: Mata, A rainha Nzinga Mbandi, pp. 198‑201.

  • Chapters

    Terence O. Ranger, “A invenção da tradição na África colonial” in Eric Hobsbawn e Terence O. Ranger (orgs.), A invenção das tradições, 3ª ed. (São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2002), pp. 219‑269.
    Subsequent citations: Ranger, “A invenção da tradição na África colonial”, p. 245.

    David Chanaiwa, “A África Austral” in Ali Mazrui e Christophe Wondji (orgs.), África desde 1935 (Brasília: UNESCO, 2010), p. 329,
    Subsequent citations: Chanaiwa, “A África Austral”, pp. 329‑330.

  • Journal Articles

    David M. Anderson, “‘Yours in Struggle for Majimbo’. Nationalism and the Party Politics of Decolonization in Kenya, 1955-64”, Journal of Contemporary History, v. 40, n. 3 (2005), pp. 547‑564,
    Subsequent citations: Anderson, “‘Yours in Struggle for Majimbo’”, p. 548.

    Georges Balandier, “Le « Tiers Monde »: sous-développement et développement — Présentation d’un cahier de l’I.N.E.D”, Population, v. 11, n. 4 (1956), pp. 737‑741,
    Subsequent citations: Balandier, “Le « Tiers Monde »”, p. 738.

  • Dissertations or Theses

    Fidel Raul Carmo Reis, “Das políticas de classificação às classificações políticas (1950-1996): a configuração do campo político angolano – contributo para o estudo das relações raciais em Angola”, Tese (Doutorado em História Moderna e Contemporânea), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2010, p. 302,
    Subsequent citations: Reis, “Das políticas de classificação às classificações políticas”, pp. 245‑247.

    John Manuel Monteiro, “Tupis, tapuias e historiadores: estudos de História Indígena e do Indigenismo”, Tese (Livre Docência em Etnologia), Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2001, p. 183,‎.
    Subsequent citations: Monteiro, “Tupis, tapuias e historiadores”, pp. 97‑103.

  • Digital Resourses

    John A. Hobson, “Imperialism, a study”, Marxists Internet Archive,
    Subsequent citations: Hobson, “Imperialism”.

    IBGE, “Salvador”, Cidades,
    Subsequent citations: IBGE, “Salvador”.

  • In references to works in languages other than Portuguese, preserve the style utilized in that language, such as English title capitalization rules for works in English or French quotation marks for works in French.

    Marissa Moorman, Intonations: A Social History of Music and Nation in Luanda, Angola, from 1945 to Recent Times, Athens: Ohio University, 2008.
    J.-J. Brieux, “La « Tricontinentale »”, Politique étrangère, v. 31, n. 1 (1966), pp. 19‑43,

  • If cited works originally published in other languages are available in Portuguese translation, cite the latter version whenever possible.


A Revista Afro-Ásia definiu a quantidade de 200 palavras para o resumo. A alteração para 250 foi realizada por Aidil Conceição para ralização da atividade retroativa de inserção dos resumos presentes nos artigos (texto) para o Sistema OJS. (Atividade temporária para organização retroativa da Revista Afro-Ásia online)

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Names, affiliations, academic degrees, addresses, and any other information included in the user profile, as well as submissions, reviews, comments, and all electronic messages exchanged within this site or by e-mail with the editorial team, will be used solely for the services offered by Afro‑Ásia and other publications hosted by the UFBA Journals internet portal. No personal data or communication will be subject to other uses or provided to third parties in any form.