Ensaio sobre serpentes: uma poética cênica para desfazer políticas de morte





mask; cyborg; chimera; theater; gender


In this essay, I reflect on the stages of a creative process in which the mask, the cyborg and the chimera are figurations of a mythical serpent that lead me to a poetics  triggered by childhood memories, ancestry, theoretical studies, experiences of estrangement, departure and return, encounters and losses. In dialogue with theorists such as Deleuze & Guattari (1973, 1980), Foucault (1994, 2008), Butler (2006, 2009), Butler & Spivak (2007), Spivak (1998), Haraway (1991), Preciado (2013), Mbembe (2018), Lugones (2018), Trigo (2005), I interrogate the theater from other fields, to raise questions about a woman's body that resists discipline, subverts and points to other poetic, performative and political possibilities.


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How to Cite

Sare, L. L. . (2023). Ensaio sobre serpentes: uma poética cênica para desfazer políticas de morte. Repertório, 1(39). https://doi.org/10.9771/rr.v1i39.49188