Bodies in dissent between the political, the private and the technological




Live art, performance art, embodiment, identity, technology.


The article resumes the author’s lecture Bodies in Dissent. Regarding Live art and performance art, issues such as embodiment and identity are tackled, enriched by excerpts of a recent conversation the author had with Australian performance artist Stelarc about how technology is affecting the human body as a cognitive tool, leading us to reconsider the meaning of human existence.


Biografia do Autor

Andrea Pagnes, VestAndPageVenice International Performance Art Week

Venetian born artist Andrea Pagnes and German artist Verena Stenke have been working together since 2006 as VestAndPage, creating live performances cycles, performance-based films, visuals, theoretical and creative writings, and temporary artistic community projects internationally. Their art practice and curatorial practice is contextual, conceived psycho-geographically in response to social situations, natural surroundings, archeological sites, and historical architectures, unconventional environments such as mines, caves and urban ruins. They explore themes such as pain sublimation, suffering, fragility, risk-taking, trust in change, union and endurance with an original bodily approach to performance to dissect the private, social and political spheres and merge from reality poetic elements as a rebellion against the exercise of power and discrimination among human beings. VestAndPage are the curators and conceivers of the live art exhibition project “Venice International Performance Art Week” since its inception (2011). Their last performance based movie “Plantain” won the best film award at the Berlin Independent Film Festival (2018).


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Como Citar

Pagnes, A. (2023). Bodies in dissent between the political, the private and the technological. Repertório, 1(39).

