Analyzing anti-nonbinary language arguments

cisnormativity, coloniality and ableism




At least since 2020, bills aimed at prohibiting the use of nonbinary language in educational institutions have been presented by anti-gender parliamentarians throughout Brazil. Taking as an object of analysis the justifications of bills for the prohibition of nonbinary language in Santa Catarina and posts by parliamentarians on the subject, we observe the articulation of an anti-nonbinary language political grammar around three major themes: “a forced attempt”, “modification of the Portuguese” and “the fallacious flag of language democratization”. It is also noticed that, linked to these themes, there is the discursive production of three figures that would be under threat: the child, the Portuguese and the person with a disability. It is concluded, then, that the anti- nonbinary language political grammar aims to establish a moral panic about the uses of this form of language and is strongly anchored in cisnormativity, coloniality and ableism.


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Author Biography

Inaê Iabel Barbosa, Unicamp

PhD candidate in Social Sciences in the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at Unicamp.



How to Cite

Iabel Barbosa, I. (2024). Analyzing anti-nonbinary language arguments: cisnormativity, coloniality and ableism. Revista Periódicus, 1(20), 21–44.