A look at the Embroidery Hoops

Rosana Paulino’s art as a counter-colonial pedagogical inspiration





Smaller objects, perceived as feminine. Woman-crafted ones. Seams of forgotten memories. This writing tries to baste ideas and reflections from the Embroidery Hoops of the Global South. It is an invitation for us to walk the corridors of the exposition The Sewing of Memory by the visual artist Rosana Paulino and, when facing her works, to let us get affected,  trans(broider)bordered. My place of reflection is the education field. My interlocutors are authoresses/authors who, from the questioning of hegemonic truths, venture to suggest other routes, other ways of seeing/reading/feeling the world. At/From the social borders, we sight those people formerly relegated to the backstage of the world. From those same borders, we see possibilities of powerful encounters rise. It is from those fissures that we see anticolonial practices rise up. Rosana Paulino’s art mobilizes us to rehearse movements of unlearning and inspires us to trace paths for a counter-colonial pedagogic experience.


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Author Biography

Késia dos Anjos Rocha, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

PhD in Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), with support from the FAPITEC/SE and CAPES funding agencies.



How to Cite

dos Anjos Rocha, K. (2023). A look at the Embroidery Hoops: Rosana Paulino’s art as a counter-colonial pedagogical inspiration. Revista Periódicus, 1(19), 60–82. https://doi.org/10.9771/peri.v1i19.52837