Among women workers

alliances for conjures in defense of life




This production deals with alliances between workers from the Unified Health System (SUS), the Unified
System of Social Assistance (Suas) and Education, from a peripheral region of Minas Gerais. It was written from the memories of a member and co-author of this production. We situated the narrative, in the year 2023, during the softening of the Pandemic by Covid-19, to interpret practices and knowledge of confrontation to thinking and doing imposed by the public action, participant of an exception State strengthened by the disregard and by the authoritarianism and that aggravated the conditions of existence and permanence in the central southern territory of Minas Gerais. To do so, we are inspired by Gloria Anzaldúa and Yuderkys Espinosa-Miñoso, to approach the alliances and, in Patricio Guerrero Arias, to interpret these alliances as emerging conjurations to SUS, Suas and Education. From practices and knowledge, made
collectively, the first author resumes possible paths from collaboration across borders and through denunciations of the modern colonial construction of gender in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Gouvea Sousa, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

I'm a health and education worker with a degree in medicine and a residency in family and community medicine. I'm currently a PhD student in Psychology at UFSJ. I've had the opportunity to work with communities using the Family Health Strategy in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais. I am currently a lecturer at the Federal University of São João del-Rei. I'm interested in topics related to education and work in the SUS and SUAS, based on knowledge and practices from the Global South.

Celso Sanchez Pereira, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Biologist, with a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1995), a master's degree in Psychosociology of Communities and Social Ecology, UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2001) and a doctorate in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2008). He is a professor at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), working in the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Education. He coordinates the Study Group on Environmental Education from the South, GEASur/UNIRIO. Advisor to the State Council for Indigenous School Education in the State of Rio de Janeiro, director of ADUNIRIO, Andes union section.

Cássia Beatriz Batista, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

PhD in Social Psychology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2012), with a doctoral internship at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2011). Master's degree in Psychology (2003) and undergraduate degree in Psychology from UFMG (1998). Adjunct Professor in the Psychology Department at the Federal University of São João del-Rey (UFSJ). She teaches on the Medicine and Psychology courses and in the Postgraduate Programs in Education, Psychology and Family and Community Medicine Residency (PRM-MFC) at UFSJ. She is currently coordinator of the Collective Health Center (NESC), the Narratives and Care Study Group (GRENá) and vice-coordinator of the Residency (FCM). Collaborator in the Center for Psychoeducational Support in Medicine (NAPEM-UFSJ). Member of NAGES (Narratives, Gender and Health). Interests and projects in the following areas: health education, permanent health education, school-service-community relations, work and education, training and higher education, health at university, academic life, health narratives, intervention research, active learning methodologies and qualitative methodology.

Isabela Saraiva de Queiroz, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

She has a bachelor's degree (1997) in Psychology, a master's degree (2005) and a doctorate (2015) in Social Psychology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). She received the UFMG Thesis Award in 2016 - Best Thesis in the Psychology Graduate Program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the UFMG Thesis Grand Prize 2016 - Best Thesis in the Humanities, Social and Applied Sciences and Linguistics, Letters and Arts Major Group at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology and the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of São João del Rei (PPG-PSI/UFSJ), and coordinator of the Center for Studies on Gender, Race and Human Rights at the Federal University of São João del Rei (NEGAH/UFSJ). She works in the field of social psychology, especially with themes related to human rights, decoloniality, gender and ethnic-racial relations. She is a teaching representative from the Human Sciences, Linguistics, Letters and Arts area of the Postgraduate Affirmative Action Management Committee at the Federal University of São João del Rei (UFSJ). She was an associate editor of the journal Psicologia e Práticas Psicossociais (2017-2021) and an alternate member of the XVIII Plenary (2019-2021) of the Federal Council of Psychology. She is a member of the Psychology, Politics and Sexualities WG of ANPEPP (National Association for Research and Postgraduate Studies in Psychology) and is doing a post-doctoral internship in the Psychology Postgraduate Program at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSJ).



How to Cite

Sousa, R. G., Pereira, C. S., Batista, C. B., & Queiroz, I. S. de. (2023). Among women workers: alliances for conjures in defense of life. Revista Periódicus, 1(19), 83–98.