Prostitution in Amsterdam

regulation and gender dynamics in the Red Light District




In this paper I discuss prostitution in Amsterdam from two perspectives: the regulation of sex work and the gender issue in the context of prostitution. Although prostitution is regulated in the Netherlands, I show how stigma is still as barrier for prostitutes to register themselves as sex workers before the authorities, as well as some conflicts in the neighbourhood. I then analyse the daily work behind the windows which characterize the Red Light District, the strategies used by the prostitutes to attract customers and their relationship with tourists. Finally, I put into question the ideas of liberalism and progressivism linked to Amsterdam, showing the lack of male prostitutes in the windows. This reveals gender dynamics based on the different ways men and women are expected to exert their sexualities.


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Author Biography

João Soares Pena, Universidade Federal da BahiaFaculdade Devry Ruy Barbosa

Urbanista, graduado pela UNEB, mestre e doutorando em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela UFBA. Analista técnico de Urbanismo do Ministério Público do Estado da Bahia – MP-BA.



How to Cite

Pena, J. S. (2023). Prostitution in Amsterdam: regulation and gender dynamics in the Red Light District. Revista Periódicus, 1(18), 116–137.