Isthmus genders

between Mexicos, women and muxes




In Juchitán de Zaragoza, a Mexican city in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region, there is what is conventionally called the ‘third gender’, the muxes. To discuss the possibility of the existence of a non-binary gender space in non-Western societies, the question was posed: what can muxes inform about the possibility of thinking from a less binary gender perspective? For this, the theoretical-methodological basis was taken from Henri Lefebvre’s conception of the production of space and its three conceptual dimensions: spatial practice; the representations of space; and the spaces of representation. From a historiographical reconstitution of the geographic space, the condition of women and the construction of the muxe identity, it was concluded that the space produced by muxes’ bodies is a differential space that resists colonial impositions, negotiates with the discourses of the media, dialogues with academic spaces and emerges as a questioning of the forces that try to hide them.


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Author Biographies

Pâmela Keiti Baena, Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Campus Sorocaba

Historian (Uniso), Geographer (UFSCar) and Master from the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Studies of the Human Condition, UFSCar-Sorocaba.

Rita de Cássia Lana, DGTH - Department of Geography, Tourism and Humanities / UFSCar

Doctor in Social History from USP, she has a postdoctoral degree in Latin American Studies at CIALC-UNAM (Mexico); professor in the area of ​​Historical and Cultural Heritage at UFSCar-Sorocaba.



How to Cite

Baena, P. K., & Lana, R. de C. (2023). Isthmus genders: between Mexicos, women and muxes. Revista Periódicus, 1(18), 81–115.