A psychologically ethical intervention on the subject adhering to the sexual purity movement





This work analyzes the ethics about the psychologist's intervention in the subject's guilty anguish over his own libido resulting from participation in an evangelical movement of sexual purity. Its theoretical basis involves: a socio-historical analysis of chastity within Christianity; a netnography that encompasses outbursts and reports shared within evangelical communities and virtual spaces about the various modalities of anguish and suffering linked to participation in this type of movement; and an analysis of the Brazilian code of ethics of psychology on the religious question. The objective is to understand how the psychologist can ethically intervene on the suffering of this subject without (necessarily) distancing him from his religion. The desired result is the development of methodologies psychologically in line with the category's code of ethics that allow helping this subject to deal positively with their own sexuality.


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Author Biography

Saulo Albert, Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo

Mestrando em Memória: Linguagem e Sociedade (UESB); especialista em Sociopsicologia (FESPSP), Antropologia Cultural (PUCPR) e em Psicopatologia Psicanalítica (UNIFG); bacharel em Direito (UESB); e bacharelando em Psicologia (FAINOR), em Filosofia (UNINTER) e em Sociologia (UNINTER).



How to Cite

Albert, S. (2023). A psychologically ethical intervention on the subject adhering to the sexual purity movement. Revista Periódicus, 2(19), 01–19. https://doi.org/10.9771/peri.v2i19.49613