‘Bicha burra nasce hétera’

interactional process of identity negotiation





By means of Conversation Analysis and Membership Categorization Analysis, this paper investigates which identities are considered interactionally relevant. Data was collected from transcriptions of interactions which took place during a weekend trip between a group of friends, focusing on one specific activity: a drinking game based on Brazilian
memes popular among members of the LGBTQIA+ community at the time. The study reveals that queer individuals
negotiate their identities through the use of complex categories that fluctuate from masculine to feminine grammatical
forms (and vice versa) for the same referents and reappropriation of slurs—thus highlighting the complex links between language and identity construction and negotiation. By showing how Brazilian Portuguese speakers locally negotiate their identities during interactions, this article illustrates how the combination of CA and MCA can be a fruitful approach in identity studies.


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Author Biography

Diogo Maicon Krevoniz Balduino, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Diogo Maicon Krevoniz Balduino é uma bixa preta. Mestrando pelo Programa Interdisciplinar em Linguística Aplicada da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e graduado em Letras-Inglês (UNISINOS).



How to Cite

Balduino, D. M. K. (2022). ‘Bicha burra nasce hétera’: interactional process of identity negotiation. Revista Periódicus, 2(17), 141–158. https://doi.org/10.9771/peri.v2i17.45415