reverberações do Movimento Autêntico na criação em dança
These reflections are based on the experience of cooking, sharing affection and dancing in the context of a performative program[1]. They analyze this artistic work within the framework of performance, improvisation and memory studies in a dialogue with authors that study these subjects. Cozinha ComPartida (shared kitchen) is one of the performance pieces that are part of the PhD research project currently in development at UNIRIO’s Programa de Pós Graduação em Artes Cênicas which establishes a dialogue with the fields of dance, somatics and performance. The research emerges from the author’s experience with two practices: cooking and dance improvisation, weaving connections in/through the body. In this article we will explore the practice of Authentic Movement (AM) in its relationship to dance composition.
Keywords: Cooking; Improvisation; Authentic Movement; Memory; Dance Composition
[1] Defined by artis-researcher Eleonora Fabião as “performance’s statement: an ensemble of previously stipulated, clearly articulated and conceptually polished actions to be performed by the artist, by the audience or both without previous rehearsal (FABIÃO, 2013, p.4).
**Artista da dança, docente do Departamento de Artes Cênicas da UFPB, doutoranda pelo PPGAC/UNIRIO. Graduação, Especialização e Mestrado em dança/UFBA. Integra os grupos de pesquisa Práticas Performativas Contemporâneas/UNIRIO, NepCênico/UFPB e o Bando.
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Dança: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Dança de é licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 3.0 Não Adaptada.