About the Journal

Submission, Review, and Publication Process

The submission, review, and publication of articles for the journal are free and without any cost.

Peer Review Process

Only unpublished contributions will be accepted, unless previous disclosure is indicated in the "Comments to the Editor" section. The editorial committee will evaluate manuscripts containing previously disclosed knowledge and determine the relevance of their publication in the journal.

After submission, contributions will undergo an initial evaluation, where all required submission elements and the proper completion of metadata will be reviewed. Only after this preliminary evaluation will the manuscripts be sent to ad hoc reviewers.


Antropologia Sem Fronteiras is a continuous flow journal. Articles will be published individually, and they will be added to the issue’s table of contents once ready.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public enhances global knowledge democratization. The submission of articles to the journal is also free of charge.

Submission Guidelines


Articles, reviews, essays, field diaries, documents, audiovisual material, interviews, and translations must be submitted exclusively through the UFBA Journals Portal electronic system.

The evaluation of submissions will follow a blind peer review system, in which reviewers will provide opinions (favorable or unfavorable) regarding the publication based on the relevance of the article to the journal’s scope, the quality of the material, and adherence to these guidelines. Reviewers will receive the articles without any identification of authorship.

In the case of conflicting reviews, a third reviewer’s opinion will be requested, and the majority opinion, duly substantiated, will prevail.

The authorship identification must be removed from the file and the "Properties" option in Word to ensure anonymity. Author data must be entered into the appropriate field in the journal’s system. Authors are responsible for properly filling in the metadata, including name, biography, institution, and other details. Incomplete metadata or failure to comply with the journal’s rules will result in the rejection of the manuscript at the pre-evaluation stage.

Each author may only have one article published per issue and may not publish in two consecutive issues (within the same volume or otherwise). This means that after publishing in Antropologia Sem Fronteiras, the author must wait at least one year to submit a new article. This rule does not apply to the publication of translations, reviews, and interviews. Additionally, the same author may not submit more than one manuscript at the same time, as an author or co-author (unless with plausible justification, which will be evaluated and accepted or not by the editors).

By publishing in this journal, authors agree that:

7.1 They grant the journal their copyright and the right to first publication;

7.2 They may publish the same article in other venues (such as book chapters) after six months, provided that the original publication in Antropologia Sem Fronteiras is acknowledged;

7.3 Articles that do not adhere to the submission rules and guidelines will be returned to the authors and rejected at the pre-evaluation stage.

Only Word (.docx) files will be accepted.

8.1 Each article must include a centered title with the first letter capitalized (do not use all caps), an abstract of no more than 200 words, and 3 to 5 keywords. Keywords must be separated by periods and capitalized. For articles written in Portuguese, the title, abstract, and keywords must be translated into a second language, preferably English, French, or Spanish. For articles written in other languages accepted by the journal, the title, abstract, and keywords must be translated into Portuguese;

8.2 Articles can be published in Portuguese, English, Spanish, or French.

The following technical guidelines must be strictly followed:

9.1 Develop the text using this template: INCLUDE TEMPLATE

9.2 Font: Georgia, size 14, line spacing: 1.0 (6 points before paragraphs), margins: left and top 3.81 cm; right 1.27 cm and bottom 3.17 cm (use the template).

9.3 Text length: Editorial – 1,000 to 2,000 words; Articles – 7,000 to 9,000 words; Essays – 4,000 to 6,000 words; Field Diaries – 4,000 to 6,000 words; Interviews – 4,000 to 8,000 words; Reviews (include high-resolution book cover) – 3,000 to 4,000 words; Documents (no limit).

9.4 Quotations longer than three lines should be indented 4 cm, font size 11, single-spaced, and without quotation marks.

9.5 Use italics rather than bold for emphasis throughout the text.

9.6 References should only include the works cited in the article and must be listed alphabetically at the end of the text.

9.7 Citations and references should follow NBR 10520 and NBR 6022 of ABNT standards, respectively. All documents cited, including websites, emails, social media posts, official documents, and legislation, must be referenced according to ABNT standards and included in the references.

9.8 All citations and references must be normalized using the free MORE (Mecanismo Online de Referências) software available at http://www.more.ufsc.br/.

Figures, tables, charts, maps, and images must be numbered and titled, with the corresponding source indicated below (even when self-created). For photographs, the appropriate credit and permission must be provided when identifiable individuals are present.

Proposals for thematic dossiers must be submitted to the appropriate section, which can be accessed through the Editorial Team tab on this website. The dossier topic must align with the journal's scope. The proposal should include an extended abstract (up to 800 words) outlining the range of texts to be collected, along with a copyright-free image for the Open Call. Proposals should be organized by two researchers from different institutions, with at least one holding a PhD. A third organizer may be added with justification. Organizers are responsible for submitting a list of at least eight reviewers with names and emails. Dossiers can include four to eight texts, plus an introduction written by the organizers. Proposals for special issues will also be accepted and discussed by the editorial team based on a detailed 800-word proposal.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission complies with all the items listed above, and also adhere to the following:

  • The submission is original and not under review by another journal. If otherwise, it must be justified in the "Comments to the Editor" section;
  • All URLs are active in the text;
  • The submission follows the Antropologia Sem Fronteiras template;
  • The policy on retraction, concern, redundancy, and any issues involving changes to already published content and misconduct will follow the guidelines of The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at https://portalseer.ufba.br/index.php/cadgendiv/article/view/27673/16497 [COPY THE LINK].

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