Social Entrepreneurship: the function of social innovation as a public policy tool for socio-economic development in underdeveloped communities




Under Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability.


The article addresses the role of Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation as public policy instruments for socioeconomic development in underdeveloped communities. Using the Methodi Ordinatio systematic review methodology, several studies were analyzed, considering the relevance index, journal impact factor, number of citations and year of publication. The study emphasizes the importance of governance and resources for the success of social enterprises, in addition to community involvement in social innovation. Also noteworthy is the capacity of social innovation to fill social and market gaps, exemplified by local development programs. Furthermore, it highlights the collaboration of micro-enterprises with the community and sustainable development. It is concluded that social entrepreneurship is a dynamic force that connects social innovation, local development and commitment to social causes, emphasizing the importance of effective strategies, adequate resources and knowledge dissemination to promote sustainable changes.


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Author Biographies

Ana Paula Ferreira Lopes Castro, Instituto Federal do Ceará

Graduated in Nutrition from Estácio do Ceará, specialist in Clinical and Sports Nutrition from Faculdade de Quixeramobim, specialist in Teaching in Higher Education from Uniasselvi, specialist in Organizational Administration and Innovation from Uniasselvi, specialist in Strategic Innovation Management and Science and Technology Policy from the University Federal of Tocantins, master's degree in progress Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation – PROFNIT/IFCE. She has experience as a hospital, clinical and home nutritionist and experience in the field of technological innovation, in the field of health, food and biotechnology and as a postgraduate course teacher. Member of the International Nutritional Psychiatry research group.

Maria Márcia Ferreira Lopes, Instituto Federal do Ceará

Graduated in Law from Faculdade Estácio do Ceará (2019) and Postgraduate in Civil Law from Uniasselvi and master's student in Intellectual Property and technology transfer for innovation - PROFNIT/IFCE. Professional experience in related areas in Intellectual Property with an emphasis on Trademarks, Patents, Industrial Design, Software and preparation of technical opinions for Resources and Notifications.

Glória Maria Marinho Silva, Instituto Federal do Ceará

​Teacher and researcher at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará, Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Technology and Environmental Management at IFCE; professor of the master's degree IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER FOR INNOVATION - PROFNIT/IFCE. Graduated in Pharmacy-biochemistry from the Federal University of Ceará (1986-1990), Master's degree in Civil Engineering (Environmental Sanitation) from the Federal University of Ceará (1999-2001) and PhD in Hydraulics and Sanitation from the School of Engineering of São Carlos/USP (2002-2005), Post-doctorate at the University of Minho - PT (Oct/2014 - Mar/2016). Institutional Coordinator PIBIC and PIBITI/CNPq/IFCE 2008-2012; Coordinator of the Science without Borders Program CNPq/IFCE- 2012; Research Productivity Scholarship from PROAPP/IFCE from 2006 to 2010, Evaluator of higher education courses from INEP/MEC, Evaluator from SAE/SETEC/MEC; CNPq productivity scholarship level 2 from 2013 to 2016. "Ad hoc" consultant for CNPq and CAPES. Has experience in the area of wastewater treatment, environmental microbiology, environmental health, sanitation and water quality and scientific methodology. "Ad hoc" consultant for CNPq and CAPES. Former Advisor to the Innovation Policy Structuring Center of the Directorate of Policies and Regulation of Professional and Technological Education - Secretariat of Professional and Technological Education of the Ministry of Education from 12/12/2016 to 09/09/2020


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How to Cite

Castro, A. P. F. L., Lopes, M. M. F., & Silva, G. M. M. (2024). Social Entrepreneurship: the function of social innovation as a public policy tool for socio-economic development in underdeveloped communities. Cadernos De Prospecção, 17(5), 1271–1285.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento