Solution for Mapping and Consulting Researchers’ Skills: an Architecture for Extraction, Integration and Consultation of Academic Information




Information Retrieval, Competency Mapping, ETL.


It is of interest to universities to make scientific productions developed accessible to those interested, a simple premise with significant challenges involved. Solutions attempting to organize academic works in a way that facilitates users' searches are limited to points understood as relevant to researchers. Thus, the article at hand describes the architecture of a competency mapping platform developed in six stages, aligned with the Product Development Process (PDP), adopting an experimental approach. The system utilizes the Apache Hop tool to extract and coordinate data from critical sources such as Lattes and Sucupira platforms, enabling the construction of a database refined through Python scripts. As a result, this project generated a solution architecture and its materialization in a portal, bringing a set of useful features for researchers, academic institutions, and other stakeholders interested in information retrieval in this field.


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Author Biographies

Matheus Souza dos Santos, Bahia State University

Graduated in Information Systems in 2023.


Victor Hugo de Jesus Oliveira, Federal University of Bahia

Graduating in Computer Science.

Eduardo Manuel de Freitas Jorge, Bahia State University

PhD in Knowledge Diffusion in 2012.


Gleidson de Meireles Costa, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia

Graduating in Production Engineering.



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How to Cite

Santos, M. S. dos, Oliveira, V. H. de J., Jorge, E. M. de F., & Costa, G. de M. (2024). Solution for Mapping and Consulting Researchers’ Skills: an Architecture for Extraction, Integration and Consultation of Academic Information. Cadernos De Prospecção, 17(2), 671–688.



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