Patent Landscape of the Use of Zebrafish as Replacement of Laboratory Animals




Zebrafish, Landscape, Patent.



The present study explores the potential use of zebrafish as a substitute for laboratory animals through technological patent prospecting. This biomodel has been widely recognized in publications as a promising alternative across several research areas. The study was carried out in July 2023, spanning two decades: 1) identification of zebrafish information; 2) patent search using Questel and Cortellis platforms; and 3) analysis, compilation of results, and formulation of conclusions. The analysis identified 1,681 patent families. The results emphasize that the use, maintenance, and breeding of zebrafish can offer benefits in the development of biomedical research compared to other laboratory animal options, resulting in a more favorable cost-benefit ratio. Zebrafish share genetic similarities of approximately 70% with humans. The study underscores the concrete viability of zebrafish in health research-related tests.


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Author Biographies

Christoph Schweitzer Milewski, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Master in Administrative Justice from Universidade Federal Fluminense in 2014.

Leila Costa Duarte Longa, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

PhD in Intellectual Property and Innovation from the National Institute of Industrial Property in 2022.

Wanise Borges Gouvea Barroso, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Post-Doctorate in Public Health from the Institute of Social Medicine (IMS) at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) (CAPES Concept 7). PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from the Universite de Toulon et du Var (2003). DEA in the area of Information Stratégique et Technique from Universite Aix-Marseille III (1999). Specialist in Intellectual Property from JICA (Japan), in Competitive Intelligence from INT/UFRJ/IBICT and in Industrial Property from INPI/PNUD/WIPO (1979). Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1977). Senior Health Researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (2002- current). Head Researcher/Patent Examiner at INPI (1978-2001). She has worked for over 40 years in the area of Competitive Intelligence, Industrial Property and Technological Innovation Management, mainly in the areas: patent, database, public domain technological surveillance and support for the examination of patent applications. - INEP evaluator of the Ministry of Education and Culture. - Substitute coordinator of the Farmanguinhos Technological Innovation Center. - Deputy Coordinator of the Professional Postgraduate Program in Management, Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry of Farmanguinhos/Fiocruz - Leader of the Capes/CNPq Research Group "Patent, Innovation and Competitive Intelligence" at FIOCRUZ - Coordinator and Professor of the Property discipline Industrial in the Postgraduate Course in Pharmaceutical Industrial Technologies, - Coordinator and teacher of the subjects "Industrial Property" and "Technology and Innovation Management" of the Professional Postgraduate Program in Management, Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Institute of Drug Technology (Farmanguinhos)/Fiocruz). Judicial expert in the 13th VFRJ and 25th VFRJ courts. (Text provided by the author)


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How to Cite

Milewski, C. S., Longa, L. . C. D., & Barroso, W. B. G. (2024). Patent Landscape of the Use of Zebrafish as Replacement of Laboratory Animals. Cadernos De Prospecção, 17(2), 603–620.



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