Asian Market Interests in Brazil: a survey of patent applications from China, Japan and South Korea




Innovation, Markets, Patent.


Among the most innovative nations globally, China, Japan and South Korea have stood out notably in recent decades, assuming leading positions in several sectors of the world market. This feat was achieved through the application of robust policies and a focus on innovation, which allowed companies in these countries to explore new technologies and markets, resulting in the significant generation of patents. Given this scenario, the present study set out to analyze the sectoral priorities of these nations and evaluate their dynamics in the Brazilian market. To carry out this analysis, patent application data obtained from the WIPO database was used, covering the period between 2001 and 2021. During this interval, a total of 48,866 patent applications were made, revealing the different sectors of interests of these countries on the Brazilian market, reflecting the technological domains prioritized by them in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Ítalo de Paula Casemiro, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Acreano, born in Rio Branco. Master in Administration from the Postgraduate Master's Program in Administration at the Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR (2014), having completed this postgraduate course as a scholarship holder from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with an emphasis on Systems Analysis from the Institute of Higher Education of Acre - IESACRE (2011), having attended the aforementioned course as a beneficiary of a full scholarship through the Universidade Para Todos Program - PROUNI. Researcher at the Innovation and Technology Management Research Group (GEITEC) and the Audiovisual Reception Study Group in Science and Health Education (GERAES). He has experience in the area of Administration, Food and Education, working mainly on the following topics: distance education, contemporary gastronomy, food safety, organizational behavior, diversity in organizations, environmental management, urban management, urban sociology, social technologies, social business and dissemination scientific. It is. Areas of interest: diversity management, studies on behavioral skills in administration and administration teaching.

Flávia Lima do Carmo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Teacher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Coordinator of the UFRJ Agency for Innovation and Young State Scientist (FAPERJ) - graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2004), master's and doctorate in Plant Biotechnology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2007, 2011). She worked as a substitute professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ / FFP) teaching the discipline Microbiology and Immunology. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Professor Paulo de Góes Institute of Microbiology, working mainly on the following topics: innovation management, intellectual property, patents, technological monitoring, biotechnology, environmental microbiology, water quality, microbial diversity, molecular microbial ecology, biotechnology, bioprospecting and bioremediation of ecosystems impacted by oil. She is a founding partner of the Coral Vivo Institute and a member of the Technical Chamber of Research Ethics, a unit of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research (PR-2), being involved in discussions on Biodiversity and Access to Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge. She was responsible for implementing the Professional Master's Degree in National Network in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT) at UFRJ, being coordinator and permanent professor at PROFNIT / Ponto Focal UFRJ.


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How to Cite

Casemiro, Ítalo de P., & Carmo, F. L. do. (2024). Asian Market Interests in Brazil: a survey of patent applications from China, Japan and South Korea. Cadernos De Prospecção, 17(1), 98–114.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento