Technological Mapping of Software Records of Management Systems in Agribusiness




Fruit Growing, Agroexport, Certification.


This study mapped the landscape of management software in agribusiness, identifying opportunities for innovation in agricultural certifications. Software catalogue(s) listed by the INPI records listed by the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) and the public software portal were analyzed, along with searches in the patent databases of PatentScope®, Espacenet®, and Questel Orbit®. The results, obtained through the use of keywords and combined Boolean operators, revealed the presence of systems aimed at certification management, indicating room for development in this area. Most of the identified software focuses on operational control and planning in the field. Five software programs addressing agricultural certification were found, but they primarily focus on production management, quality control and field tracking. It is concluded that there is a demand for software specialized in certification management, given the growing requirement for products that meet socio-environmental precepts and the need to efficiently manage good agricultural practices both in the domestic and international markets, representing an opportunity for innovative solutions.


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Author Biographies

Victor Vinícius de Alencar Carvalho, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

Computer scientist and mango producer in the São Francisco Valley. He is currently doing a master's degree in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation.

Cristiane Xavier Galhardo, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

Graduated in Bachelor of Technological Chemistry from the State University of Campinas (1995), graduated in Licentiate in Chemistry from the State University of Campinas (1995), Ph. -PhD (2003) in Analytical Chemistry at the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture, CENA, USP, Piracicaba. Associate Professor I at the College of Agronomic Engineering at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, UNIVASF. He has experience in the area of Analytical Chemistry, with emphasis on Optical Methods of Analysis, with attention to the spectrophotometric technique and chemiluminescence associated with Flow Injection Analysis (FIA), Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) and Multicommutation and Binary Sampling systems. She is currently a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation, PROFNIT, acting as coordinator of the Focal Point UNIVASF. (Text provided by the author)

Paula Tereza de Souza Silva, Embrapa Semiarid, Petrolina, PE, Brazil

Bachelor in Chemistry from UFPE. Master's Degree in Chemistry from UFPE. PhD in Chemistry from UFPE in 2007.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, V. V. de A., Galhardo, C. X., & Silva, P. T. de S. (2024). Technological Mapping of Software Records of Management Systems in Agribusiness. Cadernos De Prospecção, 17(2), 522–538.



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