“RevParkinson” App: a digital platform for managing drug treatment and monitoring the evolution of Parkinson’s Disease





Adherence, Canvas, Business, Model, Mobile Application.


Parkinson's disease is a relatively common condition that requires complex drug treatment to control. This can lead to decreased adherence to treatment due to adverse effects. In view of this, a mobile application "RevParkinson" was devised, which aims to increase adherence to treatment and improve patients' quality of life. This article describes the process of developing the app, using the Canvas Business Model and Value Proposition, in an exploratory and descriptive study. The literature review was discussed by a team and supported the information documented using the Canvas. The application underwent technical testing and validation with users. The validation results demonstrated the app's potential as an instrument capable of increasing adherence to drug therapy in people living with Parkinson's disease, as it meets the proposed requirements and could have a significant impact on disease management and patients' quality of life, providing a new paradigm for digital healthcare.


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Author Biographies

Viviane Cristina Cardoso Francisco, Federal University of Amapá

Master in Health Sciences from the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences at the Federal University of Amapá in 2014.

Cláudio Márcio Campos de Mendonça, Federal University of Sergipe

PhD in Administration from the Postgraduate Program in Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in 2015.

Rafael Pontes Lima, Federal University of Amapá

PhD in Mathematics Education from the Postgraduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Mato Grosso in 2015.

Lorane Izabel da Silva Hage-Melim, Federal University of Amapá

PhD in Sciences from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo in 2009.


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How to Cite

Francisco, V. C. C. ., Mendonça, C. M. C. de, Lima, R. P. ., & Hage-Melim, L. I. da S. (2024). “RevParkinson” App: a digital platform for managing drug treatment and monitoring the evolution of Parkinson’s Disease. Cadernos De Prospecção, 17(1), 176–191. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v17i1.55417



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