Technological Trends Analysis of Cardiac Prostheses 4.0 Manufacturing
Prosthetic Valves, Industrie 4.0, Technology Future Analysis.Abstract
Valve diseases reach from newborns to the elderly affecting the operation of heart valves and making necessary, in many cases, the use of prostheses, causing relevant impacts on patient’s lives life and on health systems. However, with the fourth industrial revolution, a potential for innovation arises in the segment of the cardiac prostheses. This paper aims to identify, through a technology future analysis of patents, the main Industrie 4.0 tools that are being used in the production of valvular prostheses. As a result, it was possible to verify the investment trends, the main countries involved, the legal status of patents, the main stakeholders, the most cited depositors, and the technological domain. Thus, five evolution scenarios were outlined: prostheses based on advanced materials, prostheses with sensors, prostheses made through additive manufacturing, the use of robotics and 3D modeling in production or in surgical procedures.
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