Marketing Strategy Proposals for the Valorization of Geographical Indication Products from Alagoas




Geographical Indication, Product Appreciation, Marketing Strategies.


This research aimed to structure marketing strategies to enhance the value of products from geographical indications in Alagoas. It has an applied nature, using the abductive method, with a qualitative approach. Its objective is exploratory, as it uses as research method the meta-study, with data collection through survey, action research and Design Science research. The data were collected by means of bibliographic and documentary research, as well as intensive and extensive direct observation, which were treated by means of content analysis. It was verified that there is a destructuring of local governance, something that impacts the access to new markets and commercial promotion, causing distorted positioning; there is no structured public policy that encourages GIs as a strategy for territorial development; and it was not perceived professionalization of business management in GIs. At the end, strategic actions were recommended for the agents that make up this business environment.


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Author Biographies

Willams Pereira Lopes, Federal University of Alagoas

Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (ProfNIT) - National Network, from the Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL. Bachelor in Business Administration from Centro Universitário Tiradentes – UNIT. He currently works as a Marketing Analyst at the Marketing and Communication Unit at SEBRAE Alagoas. Works in the Content Marketing nucleus, being responsible for planning, publishing and monitoring the performance of media campaigns, content management, data analysis in the dashboard of the company's marketing actions, in addition to acting in the implementation/management of the CRM.

Luciana Peixoto Santa Rita, Federal University of Alagoas

PhD in Business Administration from the Faculty of Economics, Business and Accounting - USP and Post-doctorate in Economics, Industrial Policy area at ISEG at the University of Lisbon. Full Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas. Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Public Administration in National Network (PROFIAP). Professor at the Graduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT- 2018-2022) and at the Graduate Program in Information Science. Evaluator for the Ministry of Education, CAPES and ARCO-SUL since 2006.

Jovino Pinto Filho, Federal University of Alagoas

Master in Public Administration from the Federal University of Alagoas in 2022.

Ibsen Mateus Bittencourt, Federal University of Alagoas

Doctor in Business Administration (Mackenzie-SP), Master in Brazilian Education in the line of Information Technology and Communication ICT (UFAL), Bachelor in Business Administration (UFAL) and Bachelor in Tourism (CESMAC). He is Adjunct Professor IV at the Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL and Researcher at the Center for Excellence in Social Technologies - NEES/UFAL/CNPq.


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How to Cite

Lopes, W. P., Santa Rita, L. P., Pinto Filho, J., & Bittencourt, I. M. (2023). Marketing Strategy Proposals for the Valorization of Geographical Indication Products from Alagoas. Cadernos De Prospecção, 16(3), 918–936.



Indicações Geográficas