Technological Prospection of Beer Yeast as Raw Material for the Food Industry




Roading Map, Brewing Biomass, Beverages, Food.


With the development of the brewing industry, the amount of by-products from brewing increased. One of them is the brewer’s spent yeast, which can be used both in brewing industry and in other food industry segments. Thence a technology prospection was carried out in the database of the European Patent Office (EPO), Espacenet, to evaluate the applications of this by-product in different sectors of the food industry. The results showed that brewer’s spent yeast has patents in the industry sectors of Fermented/Distilled Beverages, Animal Food Products, Protein-Based Compositions, Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Bakery, Fruits and Vegetables, Oil and Fats and other, with emphasis on the first two sectors representing almost 50% of the documents recovered. However, Brazil is not yet a highlight among the countries with the highest technological development at this area, despite being one of the world’s leading beer producers.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Ongaratto, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Chemical Engineering.

Giovanna Vittória Gaglianone Saraiva Costa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Graduating in Food Engineering.


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How to Cite

Ongaratto, R., & Costa, G. V. G. S. (2023). Technological Prospection of Beer Yeast as Raw Material for the Food Industry. Cadernos De Prospecção, 16(3), 761–775.



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