Technological Mapping of Patents About Spidroin: an overview of the spider silk market




Spidroin, Biotechnology, Silk


The interest in the development of technologies involving spidroin, the main component of spider silk, has grown exponentially since the 2000s. This growth is based on the exceptional properties of this biomaterial, such as extreme resistance, malleability, biocompatibility, and biodegradability. The present work aimed to investigate the technological development of the spider silk market. For this, we performed searches of patents and scientific articles related to spidroin. The temporal evolution, the main players in this sector and the main applications of spidroin-based products are discussed. The results suggest a significant growth in the use of biosynthetic spidroin in recent decades, especially in the textile and biomedical markets, driven by technological advances that allowed its large-scale production. Japan and China are the main holders of this knowledge. These countries emerged with great predominance on the world stage since 2015 and are currently at the forefront of this technological race.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Musa Ruas Filho, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Chemist with technological attributions from UFRJ. Currently, he is studying for a master's degree in the Graduate Program in Biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry at UFRJ. Interested in Biochemistry and Biotechnology.

Renata Angeli, Rio de Janeiro State University

Biomedical, Master in Biological Sciences from UFPE and PhD in Biological Chemistry from UFRJ. She is currently Professor of Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship in the Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences courses and in the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences and Technologies at UERJ - Campus Zona Oeste. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT). Advisor to the Directorate of Technology at FAPERJ.

Anderson S. Pinheiro, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Pharmacist, Master and Doctor in Biological Chemistry from UFRJ, with a postdoctoral degree from Brown University (USA). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry at UFRJ, where he coordinates the Laboratory of Molecular Biochemistry (LaBMol). Has experience in Biochemistry, Molecular Biophysics and Biotechnology. During the period 2019-2022, he was coordinator of the Graduate Program in Biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of UFRJ - PPGBq (CAPES 7), belonging to the Biotechnology area of ​​CAPES, of which he is a permanent member. He is a CNPq 2 Research Productivity Scholar and a Scientist of Our State FAPERJ Scholarship.


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How to Cite

Ruas Filho, M. M., Angeli, R., & Pinheiro, A. S. (2023). Technological Mapping of Patents About Spidroin: an overview of the spider silk market. Cadernos De Prospecção, 16(3), 776–794.



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