An Industry in Pieces: the troubles of the scope and duration of design protection on spare vehicle parts of automobile manufactures in Brazil – 1996-2021




Industrial Property, Industrial Design, Políticas Setoriais.


Industrial design is one of the assets within the framework of intellectual property rights; the protection it confers relates to shape, be it two-dimensional or three-dimensional. One of the industries that have proactively sought to protect industrial design is automotive industry. This article proposes a brief analysis of applications and registrations of automobile manufacturers that have been sued before the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), in order to determine how assets are managed, specifically their maintenance. The chosen methodology, of a quali-quantitative exploratory nature, guides the research in the database of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), between 1996 and 2021, comprising the maximum term of protection of industrial designs, which is 25 years. As a result, we characterize the industrial designs effectively prioritized by the automobile manufacturers and the approach underlying the maintenance of the registrations, to better understand the strategy of the management of registrations portfolio.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Pereira Peralta, Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial

Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 3479238992958178 Post-doctorate in Cultural Studies by the Advanced Program of Contemporary Culture - UFRJ. PhD in Visual Arts from UFRJ and Master in Art History from UFRJ, the researcher has worked with areas related to intellectual property (trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications) and intangible heritage. He began his contact with industrial property through the industrial design division of the National Institute of Industrial Property, still as a CLT. After she had already taken the public exam, she started working with the brand area at the same Institute. Since 2007, she has been acting as a permanent professor of the Professional Master's Degree at INPI, coordinating the disciplines of Protection and Management of Trademarks and Protection of Intangible Heritage. In addition, the researcher has been guiding works in the fields of trademarks, geographical indications and industrial design. As a collaborating professor of the Professional Master's Degree at the Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage - IPHAN, she has been coordinating and teaching, together with Professor Carla Belas, the discipline of Heritage and Intellectual Property.

Matheus Mariani de Souza, Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial

Master by the Postgraduate Programs in Intellectual Property and Innovation of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), where I work since 2014 as Technologist in Industrial Property. I was an industrial design examiner, serving as division head for three years before becoming a trademark examiner. I currently compose the area that operates the activities related to the Madrid Protocol in Brazil at the INPI. Bachelor in Industrial Design from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM).


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How to Cite

Peralta, P. P., & Souza, M. M. de. (2023). An Industry in Pieces: the troubles of the scope and duration of design protection on spare vehicle parts of automobile manufactures in Brazil – 1996-2021. Cadernos De Prospecção, 16(3), 620–637.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento