Blockchain in Agriculture: technological prospection on patent bases




Blockchain, Agribusiness, Agriculture.


Added to blockchain technology is an exchange network for moving value, assets, and peer-to-peer transactions, without the need for intermediaries. Blockchain technology provides a means to ensure the permanence of records and potentially facilitate data sharing between different actors and can also be applied in production chains for agricultural production. This potential can lead to a paradigm shift, facilitating transparency and trust. In this way, the work proposes a prospective survey in patent banks on the blockchain, to show what is happening or the development of non-agribusiness technology. For this purpose, a quantitative method of prospective research was adopted using the Orbit® software. Among the results found, the main countries that hold blockchain technologies in the field of agriculture are China at 33.57%, followed by the United States at 20.86%, and Brazil appears in the chart with 3.42%. Therefore, it is concluded that despite recent patentability in this area, it is a trend of growth and diffusion of applications in society, since more than 34 thousand patents are still in the analysis phase.


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Author Biographies

Djeimella Ferreira Souza, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Doctoral student at the Technological and Biopharmaceutical Innovation program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Degree in Business Administration from UFMT.

Josiel Maimone de Figueiredo, Federal University of Mato Grosso

PhD in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics from the University of São Paulo in 2005.

Olivan da Silva Rabêlo, Federal University of Bahia

PhD in Economics from the Federal University of Pernambuco in 2015.

Fernando Selleri Silva, Mato Grosso State University

PhD in Computer Science from the Federal University of Pernambuco in 2015.


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How to Cite

Souza, D. F., Figueiredo, J. . M. de ., Rabêlo, O. da S., & Silva, F. S. (2023). Blockchain in Agriculture: technological prospection on patent bases. Cadernos De Prospecção, 16(4), 939–951.