Mapping the Technology Transfer Scenario in Brazilian Universities




Technology transfer, Brazilian universities, Innovation management.


This study objective was to identify the context, internal and external, of technology transfer in Brazilian universities in order to help decision makers and add value to the institutions. A qualitative study was conducted through a literature search in the Scopus database. The results of the bibliometric analysis indicate that recently the studies are focusing on the relationships, knowledge, analysis and innovation of technology transfer. When analyzing the internal context of universities, it was identified that factors related to structural aspects, aggregated knowledge and technology management make up the advantages and strengths available. On the other hand, factors related to applied research, technology protection, management capacity and legal instruments are weaknesses that can produce negative effects. Regarding the external environment, we identified opportunities grouped into sources and inputs, business, operators, and system. The external threats are related to the level of knowledge, value and policies, and bureaucracy. The results contribute for the universities to redesign their mission and develop more commercialization activities for their technologies.


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Author Biographies

Dinorvan Fanhaimpork, Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus, AM, Brazil

Professional Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation by the Federal University of Amazonas in 2023.

Daniel Reis Armond de Melo, Federal University of Amazonas, Manaus, AM, Brazil

PhD in Business Administration from the Federal University of Bahia in 2012.


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How to Cite

Fanhaimpork, D., & Melo, D. R. A. de. (2023). Mapping the Technology Transfer Scenario in Brazilian Universities. Cadernos De Prospecção, 16(4), 1256–1273.