Technological Mapping of Management Tools for Technological Innovation Centers of Federal Higher Education Institutions in the Northeast Region of Brazil




Management Tool, Intellectual Property, Technology and Innovation.


Management tools are useful in the various sectors of public administration, reducing errors and promoting speed with credibility to processes. Good management of intellectual protection can bring investment to new research studies. To obtain an overview of innovation management tools, with a focus on Federal Institutions of Higher Education in the Northeast, a survey was carried out to map the protection deposits of intellectual property and technological innovation management systems at the base of the National Institute of Industrial Property and through the Access to Information Law, Law n. 12.527/2011. To understand the maturity of the Technological Innovation Centers (NIT) in terms of computational management tools, a search for these tools was carried out. With the research it was concluded that, although few institutions in the northeast use this type of tool, they lack functionalities to support the processes demanded by the NITs, being necessary the development of new tools for management and monitoring of Intellectual Property.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Henrique de Araujo Medeiros, Federal University of Alagoas

Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation, 2023, Federal University of Alagoas

Taciana Melo dos Santos, Federal University of Alagoas

Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation, 2021, Federal University of Alagoas.

Eliana Silva de Almeida, Federal University of Alagoas

PhD in Informatics, 1998, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.

Pierre Barnabé Escodro, Federal University of Alagoas

PhD in Chemistry and Biotechnology, 2011, Federal University of Alagoas.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, M. H. de A., Santos, T. M. dos, Almeida, E. S. de ., & Escodro, P. B. (2023). Technological Mapping of Management Tools for Technological Innovation Centers of Federal Higher Education Institutions in the Northeast Region of Brazil. Cadernos De Prospecção, 16(6), 1895–1909.



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