




Editorial After about 24 months of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, all humanity was put before several reflections and one of them led us to recognize even more the role of science for the maintenance and development of human life. During these times, knowledge and scientific research, at a speed imposed by the need for responses to the pandemic crisis that has established itself in the world, allowed the behavior of the virus to be known and promoted tests and advances in combating the problems caused by the virus in the human body, who were able to recognize the mutations through which the virus passed and, thus, vaccines were developed, which little by little have provided the reestablishment of a “new normal” for everyday life. In this way, with a clarity that difficult times reveal, the role of science has become even more important for a large part of humanity. But science is not just made up of major milestones, with the results achieved in the fight against COVID-19, it is possible to see that science is built through the efforts of countless researchers, with contributions of varying degrees of relevance, which, as a whole, , can mean considerable advances. Fully aligned with the role that science plays in society, Cadernos de Prospecção Magazine has maintained, since 2008, the commitment to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge, with the proposal of also being an international forum for the identification of opportunities for technological innovation. . Faithful to this commitment, this latest issue of Cadernos de Prospecção, corresponding to volume 15 and number 2, for the months from April to June 2022, is presented to readers. This edition has articles by 60 authors, affiliated to 17 institutions located in 10 states, in the five regions of Brazil, and one of them in Ireland. This, like all other editions of the Journal, is the result of the efforts of researchers in the production and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge and the voluntary collaboration of editors and reviewers, to whom, together with the administrative support team, we express our sincere thanks. Happy reading everyone! Nubia Moura Ribeiro President of the PROFNIT Editorial Committee Doctor in Chemistry Professor at the Federal Institute of Bahia


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Author Biography

Núbia Moura Ribeiro, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

PhD in Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2004



How to Cite

Ribeiro, N. M. (2022). Editorial. Cadernos De Prospecção, 15(2), 343. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v15i2.48734


