Vaccine Development: the Potential of the Butantan Institute in the Covid-19 Pandemic Scenario




COVID-19, Technology transfer, Vaccines.


Vaccines' development and production capacity are essentials in the fight against diseases. This process becomes urgent during pandemics, such as Covid-19, with very high death numbers. This study aims to clarify how the technology transfer strategy applied in Brazil, applied by Instituto Butantan, benefits the vaccine development. Using documentary research, this work addresses the challenges faced in vaccine production. The structure already installed at Butantan was essential for its role in the face of Covid-19, as the adopted partnerships and the use of knowledge already acquired stand out. The use of technologies already mastered speeds up the product development process and reduces financial investment, and fully national production contributes to reversing its situation of technological vulnerability. For these initiatives to continue, a policy for investments in the health industrial complex is essential, and support for projects and personnel involved in RD&I at the institution and in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Simões Pazelli, Butantan Institute, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Graduated in Biomedical Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (FMRP/USP) with emphasis on Health Biotechnology, graduated at a technical level in Nutrition and Dietetics. She was a scholarship student for Initiation in Technological Development and Innovation (PIBITI) at the Laboratory of Hereditary Metabolic Diseases of the Genetics Department at FMRP. Co-founder and first marketing director at Sirius Biotecnologia Jr.. She was also a FAPESP scientific initiation scholarship student at the Butantan Institute's Center of Excellence for Molecular Target Discoveries (CENTD). She is currently a Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Molecular Biology at Escola Paulista de Medicina, Federal University of São Paulo (EPM/UNIFESP), developing her project at CENTD.

Ana Marisa Chudzinski-Tavassi, Butantan Institute, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Federal University of Paraná, UFPR. Master's and Doctorate in Sciences from the Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP (Molecular Biology program). Doctorate by the Pasteur Institute and INSERM (France). He held a Post-Doctorate at the National Academy of Medicine of Buenos Aires (ANMBs) - Argentina. She is a PqC-VI scientific researcher at the Butantan Institute where she works as: Director of the Development and Innovation Center of the Butantan Institute, Director of the CENTD: Center of Excellence in New Target Discovery - FAPESP/GSK/IBu. She is a Productivity Researcher at CNPq and Associate Researcher at CeTICS - FAPESP. She is an accredited professor in the Postgraduate courses: Molecular Biology at UNIFESP, Interunits in Biotechnology - at USP and Postgraduate Studies in Toxinology - at the Butantan Institute. He is a member of the Municipal Council of Science and Technology and Innovation of the City of São Paulo and is a member of the Brazilian Network of Pharmaceutical Innovation. She works as an Ad Hoc reviewer for several scientific journals and Funding Agencies. It coordinates projects aimed at public-private interaction, with the support of various funding agencies. Experience in the field of Biochemistry, with emphasis on the discovery of molecules that act in immunoinflammatory diseases, cell survival, hemostasis and tissue remodeling. Coordinates projects for discovery and validation of molecular targets in different cellular models. Coordinates projects for the implementation of infrastructure for the development of new drugs, such as laboratories with different levels of biosafety, multipurpose laboratories, specialized platforms for discovery and validation of molecular targets and biorepositories. It provides training in entrepreneurship and innovation through free courses and courses in undergraduate and graduate programs

Alexandre Guimaraes Vasconcellos, National Institute of Industrial Property, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Graduated in Full Degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1995), MBA in Public Policy Management (Innovation and Intellectual Property) from the Institute of Economics of UFRJ (2006), Master's in Biological Sciences (Biophysics) from the Universidade Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1998), PhD in Plant Biotechnology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2003) and Senior Post-Doctorate on Innovation Management in Neglected Diseases at the FIOCRUZ Health Technology Development Center (2011) and at the Global Challenges Division of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva-Switzerland (2016). He has been a Researcher in Industrial Property at INPI since 1998, having been promoted to the Special Class in 2009. He works in the Postgraduate and Research Division (DIPGP), being Permanent Professor at the INPI Intellectual Property and Innovation Academy since its creation in 2006. He shares the leadership of the Research Group on Intellectual Property in Biotechnology and Health (PIBIOS) at the institution. He has been an External Advisor and Collaborating Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Marine Biotechnology at the IEAPM since 2016. He has experience and is involved with teaching activities, mentoring master's and doctoral students and research in the areas of Intellectual Property in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals sectors. , Technological Innovation, Technological Information and Traditional Knowledge and Associated Rights, having already given more than 100 presentations in Brazil and abroad on these subjects.


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How to Cite

Pazelli, G. S., Chudzinski-Tavassi, A. M., & Vasconcellos, A. G. (2022). Vaccine Development: the Potential of the Butantan Institute in the Covid-19 Pandemic Scenario. Cadernos De Prospecção, 15(4), 1041–1055.



Coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) e COVID-19