Technological Mapping of Functional Fermented Beverages With Cocoa




Cocoa, Beverages , Patents.


Cocoa-based products are classified as highly energetic, stimulant and antioxidant, due to the high content of fat and bioactive compounds. Because of this, the present work aims to investigate the potential for the development of new functional fermented beverages containing cocoa, through a survey of patents. To this end, a search was conducted by combining keywords with the International Patent Code (IPC) in the Derwent database (DWPI). The year 2019 showed the highest registration of publications, expanding searches for products with functional health effects. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the European Patent Office (EP) have the largest amount of patent protection, in which they include registrations in different countries. In addition, it was observed that a large part of the patent documents are related to powdered compounds for application in pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals or beverages.


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Author Biographies

Leticia de Alencar Pereira Rodrigues, National Service for Industrial Training

PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the Federal University of Bahia in 2019.

Researcher at the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Advanced Health Systems (ISI SAS) of the SENAI CIMATEC University Center.

Professional Address: Instituto de Tecnologia da Saúde, SENAI CIMATEC, Av. Orlando Gomes, 1845 - Piatã, Salvador - BA, CEP: 41650-010.

Ingrid Lessa Leal, National Service for Industrial Training

Master in Food Science from the Federal University of Bahia in 2018.

Researcher in Biotechnology and Food at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center.

Professional Address: Food and Beverage Area, SENAI CIMATEC, Av. Orlando Gomes, 1845 - Piatã, Salvador - BA, Zip Code: 41650-010.

Katharine Valéria Saraiva Hodel, National Service for Industrial Training

Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia in 2021.

Researcher at the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Advanced Health Systems (ISI SAS) of the SENAI CIMATEC University Center.

Professional Address: Instituto de Tecnologia da Saúde, SENAI CIMATEC, Av. Orlando Gomes, 1845 - Piatã, Salvador - BA, CEP: 41650-010.

Gisele Beatriz Teles Góes, National Service for Industrial Training

Chemical Engineering student - SENAI CIMATEC UNIVERSITY CENTER.

Address: SENAI CIMATEC, Av. Orlando Gomes, 1845 - Piatã, Salvador - BA, Zip Code: 41650-010.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L. de A. P. ., Leal, I. L., Hodel, K. V. S. ., & Góes, G. B. T. (2022). Technological Mapping of Functional Fermented Beverages With Cocoa. Cadernos De Prospecção, 15(3), 865–880.



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