Remote Medicine in Pandemic Times: a prospective study of telemedicine technologies
Telemedicine, Covid-19, Patents.Abstract
Telemedicine encompasses medical activities such as diagnosis, treatment, disease prevention and continuing education, using mainly information technology, video image and telecommunications connections, providing remote treatment, continuous monitoring and information sharing. This approach to health care has been especially important in the face of the covid-19 pandemic that the world is still going through, due to its numerous benefits. This research focused on conducting a technological prospecting study on the basis of patents, in order to investigate telemedicine technologies. A patent survey was carried out on the basis of Questel Orbit patents. With the data collected, analyzes were carried out to highlight countries, companies, patent classifications and the current scenario in Brazil in terms of telemedicine technologies. There has been a considerable increase in patent filings in the last ten years, with China, the United States and South Korea being the countries that most patent these technologies.
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