Prospecting Within the Production of Natural Antioxidants for Insertion in the Food Market




Natural Antioxidants, Food Industry, Healthy Eating.


Synthetic additives are used in industries to increase the shelf life of foods, but the harmful effects caused by these and the search for healthy foods have increased the demand for natural products. Aiming to promote a mapping of studies related to the production of natural antioxidants for the food market, a search was made in patent databases and articles, aiming to assess the panorama of the current stage of scientific and technological development in this area. The research demonstrated the Chinese leadership in patent production and as for the production of scientific articles, Brazil presented the largest number of studies. The analysis of the works found in all databases showed that despite the great relevance of the topic, the materials and methods used in the production of natural antioxidants for the food market are still incipient, demonstrating a lack of further investigations to expand the technological contribution about its application.


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Author Biographies

Erika Matias da Silva, State University of Alagoas, Palmeira dos Índios, AL, Brazil

Degree in Chemistry from the State University of Alagoas.

Érik José Ferreira da Silva, State University of Alagoas, Palmeira dos Índios, AL, Brazil

Graduating in Licentiate in Chemistry at the State University of Alagoas.

Rodrigo Batista de Oliveira, State University of Alagoas, Palmeira dos Índios, AL, Brazil

Graduating in Licentiate in Chemistry at the State University of Alagoas.

Adrielle Firmino da Silva, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceio, AL, Brazil

Master's student in Science at the Federal University of Alagoas.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. M. da, Silva, Érik J. F. da, Oliveira, R. B. de, & Silva, A. F. da. (2022). Prospecting Within the Production of Natural Antioxidants for Insertion in the Food Market. Cadernos De Prospecção, 15(1), 245–260.



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