Prospective Study of Technologies Used to Reduce Emissions Caused by Diesel Vehicles
Diesel, Emission, Sulfur Compounds.Abstract
Diesel oil when used in engines can generate insoluble fuel deposits in injectors, this deposit reduces fuel economy and contributes to the generation of various types of pollutants. Thus, it is necessary to map the existing technologies that are used to reduce emissions of these pollutants in order to guide and structure the research regarding the development of new methods. The search strategy consisted of a combination of international classification codes, F01N-003 OR F01N-003/18) AND (C10L-001 OR C10L-001/24 OR C10L-001/24. Sixty-six selected patent documents were read and analyzed. It was possible to observe the existence of greater protection in 2002 and a superiority of records in the USA. Some technological trends are related to environmental technology, refer to devices and equipment, but only one refers to the control of emissions of sulfur compounds.
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