Potential of Blockchain ​​Application for Sustainable Food Chain ​​Traceability: a prospective study





Blockchain, Supply Chain, Sustainability.


The sustainable future, according to the UN, refers to actions that guarantee the sustainability of the productive systems included in natural resources. The challenges highlighted here are the search for a balance between expanding production and food fraud. This study aims to carry out a prospective analysis on patents and scientific publications to provide an overview regarding the development of technological solutions on blockchain applied to traceability in sustainable supply chains. From the analysis of the documents in the Scopus and patent databases by the Questel Orbit software, it is observed that China and the United States stand out for defining national policy strategies, both from the commercial point of view of patent protection and research scientific. However, despite the wide spectrum of application of the technology, the study shows that there is still a lack of solutions that relate the traceability of chains with the context of sustainability.


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Author Biographies

Andrik Guimarães Ferreira, Federal University of Western Pará, Santarém, PA, Brazil



Rosinei de Sousa Oliveira, Federal University of Western Pará, Santarém, PA, Brazil



Cristina M. Quintella, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil



Celson Pantoja Lima, Federal University of Western Pará, Santarém, PA, Brazil




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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. G., Oliveira, R. de S., Quintella, C. M., & Lima, C. P. (2021). Potential of Blockchain ​​Application for Sustainable Food Chain ​​Traceability: a prospective study. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 981. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v14i3.38358



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