Scientific and Technological Prospecting Applied to the Concept of Resources Recovery in Wasterwater Treatment Plants




Nutrient Recovery, Sewage Treatment, Sanitation.


The concept of sustainable WWTP involves the practice of recovery and reuse of its by-products, providing them with market value. In order to verify the engagement of the academic environment, the study carried out scientific prospection in databases and patent registration offices comprising the last 20 years. The analysis of prospecting showed a positive trend in relation to research in the area, with emphasis on sewage reuse, with the predominance of China followed by the USA in terms of publications; the Brazilian participation among the top 10 countries in terms of publications on the subject is highlighted. Regarding the patent analysis, there was a considerable number of records with descriptors that characterize the theme of this study, with an increasing trend since 2015. It is concluded, therefore, that the subject is innovative and promising, presenting itself as an interesting area both for the academic environment, as for the generation of new technologies and products.


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How to Cite

Campos, F., & Nolasco, M. A. (2021). Scientific and Technological Prospecting Applied to the Concept of Resources Recovery in Wasterwater Treatment Plants. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 964.



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