Study of Automated Irrigation Technology by Patent Review




Irrigation Systems, Humidity, Sensor.


Due to the large amount of irrigated areas in Brazil and the waste that this practice causes, the search for solutions that mitigate the misuse and cheapening of irrigation methods is essential. This article aims to prospect patent documents referring to automated irrigation systems. For this technological prospect, combinations of IPC codes and keywords were used, this information was obtained through the European database Espacenet, patent documents were classified and grouped. Statistical analyzes of the time elapsed from deposit to publication were performed. With the analyses, it was possible to verify that China, the United States and Japan had a highlight in the amount of patents deposited, representing 83.65% of the total, and most were deposited by individual inventors.


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Author Biographies

Flávio André Alves de Oliveira, Federal University of Western Bahia, Barreiras, BA, Brazil

Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Technology in 2020 from the Federal University of West Bahia (UFOB) in 2020.

Marciel Castro de Oliveira, Federal University of Western Bahia, Barreiras, BA, Brazil

Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Technology in 2020 from the Federal University of West Bahia (UFOB).

Matheus Rocha de Macedo, Federal University of Western Bahia, Barreiras, BA, Brazil

Graduating in Interdisciplinary Science and Technology in 2022 at the Federal University of West Bahia (UFOB).

Danielle Nascimento Queiroz de Souza, Federal University of Western Bahia, Barreiras, BA, Brazil

Graduating in Interdisciplinary Science and Technology in 2022 at the Federal University of West Bahia (UFOB).

Marcio Inomata Campos , Federal University of Western Bahia, Barreiras, BA, Brazil

PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in 2016.

Gabriela Silva Cerqueira, Federal University of Western Bahia, Barreiras, BA, Brazil

PhD in Chemistry from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in 2017.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, F. A. A. de, Oliveira, M. C. de, Macedo, M. R. de, Souza, D. N. Q. de, Campos , M. I., & Cerqueira, G. S. (2022). Study of Automated Irrigation Technology by Patent Review. Cadernos De Prospecção, 15(2), 494–506.



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