Scientific and Technological Prospections Applied to Goat Cheeses




Dairy Products, Goat Milk, Intellectual Property.


This study prospected the technologies of goat cheeses, in order to enhance dairy products in terms of the prospects for scientific innovation and obtaining intellectual properties. Prospecting techniques were used in the patent banks of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), of European Pantent Office (Espacenet), of United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The databases of journals defined were Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Science Direct. It was observed that the INPI presented the lowest number of published patents, with no concessions in Brazil and 57.14% of the applications for deposits made by universities/federal institutes. Since 2011, the number of publications of scientific articles has increased in Brazil. The growing scientific interest highlights the prominence in citations of Subclass A23C, directly related to the area of most publications in journals, a growing factor for goat cheese.


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Author Biographies

Bruno Fonsêca Feitosa, Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal, PB, Brazil

Food Technician by IFRN, Pau dos Ferros-RN campus (2016). Graduating in the Food Engineering course at UATA/CCTA/UFCG, Pombal-PB campus (2017.1). He received a scholarship from the Paraíba Technological Park (PaqTcPB) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). He worked as a member of CONSUALI Empresa Júnior de Alimentos and a volunteer intern at the Grain and Cereal Technology Laboratory (LTGC). Research in the area of ​​Food Science and Technology, with experience in analysis and quality control of food, technology and fruit processing, development of new products and use of agro-industrial residues.

João Vitor Fonseca Feitoza, Federal University of Paraíba, Bananeiras, PB, Brazil

Food Engineer, Specialist in Food Quality and Safety, in Food Science and Technology and Master in Agrifood Technology. Substitute professor at IFRN, Campus Apodi, teaching subjects in technical, undergraduate and graduate courses. He also works as a collaborator in the Specialization in Food Science and Technology, at IFRN Campus Currais Novos. He is a member of the Agricultural Research Center (IFRN/Apodi). Substitute professor at UEMA, Campus São Bento, in the higher education course in Food Technology. He has experience in teaching (both in Classroom and Distance Learning), research, extension and guidance with the development of new food products, use of co-products, food labeling, technological prospecting, physical-chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses.

Jayuri Susy Fernandes de Araújo, Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal, PB, Brazil

She holds a degree in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Campina Grande (2016), a specialization in Food Quality and Safety from the Faculty of SENAI da Paraíba (2018) and a Master's degree in Agroindustrial Systems (2019) from UFCG, Campus de Pombal - PB. Participated in Research and Extension projects, working mainly in training and development of technologies for family farmers and agro-industrial systems in the semi-arid region of Paraíba. He works in the study of alternatives to increase the shelf life of food products, using essential oils, as well as the stability of these compounds. She was a monitor of the disciplines Introduction to Informatics (2012.1) and Analytical Chemistry in the periods 2013.1 and 2013.2. He has experience in microbiological, physical-chemical and sensory analysis of foods. He managed the incubators of the Fundação Parque Tecnológico da Paraíba (PaqTcPB), working in the implementation and obtaining of the CERNE 1 certifications of the Agribusiness Incubator of Cooperatives, Community Organizations, Associations and Rural Settlements of the Semi-Arid of Paraíba (IACOC) and CERNE 2 of the Technological Incubator of Creative and Innovative Enterprises (ITCG).

Leidiana Elias Xavier, Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal, PB, Brazil

Food Engineer, currently Master's student in Agroindustrial Systems (UFCG/PPGSA), postgraduate student in Food Technology (IFRN). Active in research and development of new products with emphasis on dairy products. Member of the research group guided by Professors Mônica Tejo Cavalcante and Mônica Correia Gonçalves.

Wisla Kívia de Araújo Soares, Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal, PB, Brazil

Food Engineer from CCTA/UFCG, Pombal-PB campus. Intern at the Health Surveillance Division of the city of Caicó-RN. Public servant in the position of Sanitary Inspector of the Division of Sanitary Surveillance of Caicó-RN. She acted as Technical Advisor to the Finance Department of the municipality of Guamaré-RN. She worked as Administrative/Financial Director and Consultant at the Junior Food Consulting Company (CONSUALI). She was a monitor with a scholarship in the disciplines of General Biochemistry and Physical Chemistry. Has experience in physical-chemical, microbiological and sensorial analyses, quality control (GMP application, POP's and HACCP elaboration), elaboration of hygiene plan, food consulting, elaboration of labels, office package.

Mônica Tejo Cavalcanti, Federal University of Campina Grande, Pombal, PB, Brazil

President Director at Instituto Nacional do Semiárido - INSA/MCTIC (2020), CNPq DT-2 Productivity Scholarship (Technology and Innovation for Agriculture) - Associate Professor I in the Graduate Course in Food Engineering (CCTA) at the Federal University of Campina Grande , holds a degree in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Paraíba (2004), a Master's degree in Food Science and Technology from the Federal University of Paraíba (2007), a PhD in Process Engineering from the Federal University of Campina Grande (2011) and an MBA in Entrepreneurship of High Impact and Innovation (2017). She was a consultant for SENAI - National Industry System in the area of ​​the Safe Food Program (PAS). She is a permanent professor of the Graduate Programs in Agroindustrial Systems (Academic and Professional) at UFCG. Technology Transfer Advisor at NIT/UFCG (since 2017). Coordinator of IACOC/PaqTcPB/UFCG - Agribusiness Incubator of Cooperatives, Community Organizations, Associations and Rural Settlements in the Semi-Arid Region of Paraíba (since 2014). Project Coordinator at the Program of Studies and Actions for the Semi-Arid Region - PEASA/UFCG (since 2013). Coordinator of several projects financed by CNPq, FAPESq, FINEP and SEBRAE. It was awarded in the 4th edition of the Celso Furtado Regional Development Award - Northeast Category: Innovations and Sustainability. He has experience in the area of ​​Food Science and Technology, Biotechnology, Quality Control, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management.


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How to Cite

Feitosa, B. F., Feitoza, J. V. F., Araújo, J. S. F. de, Xavier, L. E., Soares, W. K. de A., & Cavalcanti, M. T. (2021). Scientific and Technological Prospections Applied to Goat Cheeses. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(2), 573.



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