Scientific and Technological Prospection of Caffeine's Biotechnological Potential as a Larvicide and Nematicide Agent




Natural Products, Alkaloid, Biopesticide.


Currently, the use of chemical pesticides in agricultural crops has become more and more frequent. Caffeine is a molecule of the most consumed psychoactive molecules worldwide; however, little is known about the applications it has in the agricultural scenario. Thus, the present research aimed to explore the use of caffeine as a biopesticide, on national and international bases of articles and patents. For this, the scientific and technological search, with keywords and specific combinations, took place on the following bases: SciELO, PubMed, INPI, EPO, LATIPAT, USPTO, and WIPO. In general, the results revealed that little had been explored about caffeine's nematicidal and larvicidal biological activities. Thus, we concluded that new studies with caffeine, aimed at controlling natural enemies of agricultural crops, are promising for the development of new agricultural technologies.


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Author Biography

Elenice Monte Alvarenga, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí, Cocal, PI, Brazil

Bachelor and Licentiate in Biological Sciences (2009) and Master in Cellular and Structural Biology (2011) from the State University of Campinas, she has research experience in the area of ​​Cell Biology. He is a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI), where he also develops activities related to environmental and pedagogical themes. Currently, as a doctoral student of the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology (RENORBIO) she works in the prospection of compounds with potential biological activity in specific models and in the elucidation of their mechanisms of action on membrane receptors. Link to Lattes Curriculum:


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How to Cite

Sousa, P. S. de A., Rodrigues, M. G., Santos, M. S. dos, Oliveira, W. S. de, Machado, C. da S., Vieira, M. A. de S., Silva, J. O. da, Cardoso, F., & Alvarenga, E. M. (2021). Scientific and Technological Prospection of Caffeine’s Biotechnological Potential as a Larvicide and Nematicide Agent. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 931.



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