Technological Investment: limits and impacts in the State of Alagoas from the perspective of Industry 4.0




Industry 4.0, Technological Investment, Industry.


The importance of technological investment grows within the industry 4.0. The article aims to analyze the level of technological investment in Alagoas from the 4.0 industry perspective. Specifically, aims to identify the profile of the industrial structure, analyze the composition of technological investments, the use of 4.0 industry technologies and the technologies that industry intends to invest in the coming years. It aims to answer the following research question: what are the limits and impacts of technological investment from the 4.0 industry perspective? The study is quali-quantitative, being descriptive as to the objectives. To this end, it applied a survey to a sample of 150 industries, configuring a margin of error of 7.5% and a 95% confidence interval.  It is possible to measure as a result that the industry has a reduced level of investment in enabling technologies 4.0, but with a forecast of higher levels in the coming years.


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Author Biographies

Luciana Peixoto Santa Rita, Federal University of Alagoas

Address to access this CV: He holds a degree in Economics from the Federal University of Alagoas (1993), a degree in Law from the Center for Higher Studies of Maceió (1994), a Master's in Administration from the Federal University of Alagoas (1999) and a PhD in Administration from the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting. - USP (2004). Post-Doctoral Student in Industry 4.0 and Technology at ISEG at the University of Lisbon. Evaluator of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Researcher at the Federation of Industries of the State of Alagoas. Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Alagoas. Professor of the Graduate Program in Public Administration in the National Network (PROFIAP), the Graduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFINIT) and the Graduate Program in Information Science. following topics: competitiveness, industry 4.0, technological policy, innovation, technological profile, public policy and industrial research.

Reynaldo Rubem Ferreira Junior, Federal University of Alagoas

Teacher at the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEAC) at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL). Bachelor in Economics from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1984- UFPE), Master in Industrial Economics from the Integrated Master's Program in Economics and Sociology (1990- PIMES/UFPE) and PhD in Economic Policy from the Institute of Economics of the University of Campinas (1998 - IE/UNICAMP). Former Extraordinary Secretary of the State of Alagoas (2004), responsible for coordinating studies for the implementation of the State Development Agency, and Former Superintendent of PRODETUR-AL (2005). Former Director of Financial Operations at Alagoas Development Agency (AFAL- 2010 and 2011). He is currently a professor at the undergraduate and master's degrees in Applied Economics at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) and at the Graduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (Profnit-UFAL). Researcher in the areas of Macroeconomic Policies and Innovation Systems, focusing on Technological Profiles of Industrial Sectors and Business Financing Systems.

Eliana Maria Oliveira Sá, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceio, AL, Brazil

Master in Brazilian Education in the line of ICT in Education from the Federal University of Alagoas. Specialist in Strategic Business Management and Marketing from the Centro Universitário CESMAC. Graduated in Business Administration from the Center for Higher Studies of Maceió. MBA in progress in Leadership for Innovation from Faculdade da Indústria/IEL. MBA in progress in Change Management. She worked as Professor-author of the Specialization Courses in Public Management, Municipal Public Management and Health Management, at a distance, at the Federal University of Alagoas, of the PNAP Program of the UAB. Professor of the Administration, Accounting Sciences and Logistics Technological Courses at the Faculty of the City of Maceió. Professor of the Specialization Course in Strategic Management of Human Resources at Centro Universitário Cesmac. He coordinated the Administration Course at the Raimundo Marinho College. Coordinates the Business Administration Course at Faculdade da Seune. She is the Innovation and Research Coordinator at the Federation of Industries of the State of Alagoas System, where she works on topics such as: industrial policy, competitiveness, innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, incubators, centers and technology parks, university-company interaction, training. She is the manager of the Inova Talentos and Inova Tec Programs in Alagoas. He is FIEA's representative at the State Council of Science, Technology and Innovation and at the State Forum of Micro and Small Enterprises of Alagoas (FEMPE), where he coordinated the Technology and Innovation Committee. Member of the Management Committee of the Tecnova Program. Are you manager of the State Nucleus of Business Mobilization for Innovation? MEI by FIEA; the National Innovation Award (PNI/AL) and the CNI-SEBRAE Innovation Agreement. He was a member of the UFAL Extension Advisory Committee and is currently a member of the UFAL Curator Council, representing CRA / AL. Coordinated the SRI Program ? Regional Systems of Innovation in Alagoas (CNI, BID, ABDI, OCDE, Spanish Cooperation, Industry Systems of AL, MG, PB and SC). She was the manager of the BITEC Scholarship program (IEL NC, SEBRAE, IEL Regional Centers) in Alagoas. She was the manager of the PROCOMPI Programs (CNI, SEBRAE, Federations of Industries). He was a member of the Editorial Board of the Editing, Printing and Publication Company of Alagoas (CEPAL). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Revista Facima Digital Gestão, from the Faculty of the City of Maceió (Facima).

Joaquim Alexandre Ramos Silva, Higher Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Full Professor at the Higher Institute of Economics and Management (ISEG), University of Lisbon. PhD in Economic Analysis and Policy from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. President of the Department of Economics at ISEG: elected for two terms (from 2014 to 2018). At ISEG, he has held several executive positions since 1980, is coordinator of the Master in International Economics and European Studies, since 2011, and of the Scientific Area of ​​International Economics and Development (elected for the periods 2010-2013 and 2017-2018). Researcher at CSG/SOCIUS, ISEG, research center of the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) with an excellent rating; He is also a member of several research groups in Brazil, including (CNPq/UFMG). Main research field: international economic relations, combining the methodology of international economics, international political economy and international business; among the most focused topics are trade and foreign direct investment, with regard to analysis, but also public and business strategies and policies; the concrete processes of internationalization of companies; foundations and practice of regional integration, particularly in Europe, globalization, international economic organizations and global governance. The study of Luso-Brazilian economic relations and its main developments during the last decades has been one of the great vectors of his research in search not only of a better and more qualified knowledge but also of a theoretical foundation, giving rise to a wide work of in-depth investigation. and diverse, involving both countries and where the role played by younger researchers stands out. Visiting professor or researcher at several foreign university institutions, namely at the University of Orleans, University of Hitotsubashi (Tokyo), Kiel Institute of World Economics, Texas A&M University, and in Brazil: University of São Paulo, Mineral Technology Center ? Ministry of Science and Technology (Rio de Janeiro) and Federal University of Minas Gerais (FACE, Belo Horizonte).


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How to Cite

Santa Rita, L. P., Ferreira Junior, R. R., Sá, E. M. O., & Silva, J. A. R. (2021). Technological Investment: limits and impacts in the State of Alagoas from the perspective of Industry 4.0. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 715.



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