Patentary Mapping on Cosmonautical Vehicles in Brazil




Cosmonautic Vehicle, Mapping of Patents, Patent Document.


Access to space is recognized as a strategic factor for the aerospace industry, a fact that has generated a great acceleration in the development of this industry since the Second World War and, in its entirety, made with the contribution of governments, either in cooperation or autonomously. Thus, space projects are being transferred to the private sector, due to the appearance of several companies focused on the development of low-cost technologies for access to space. Thus, with the use of patent analysis, the presence of the aerospace industry in Brazil and its influence was studied, evaluating from the infrastructure for launching a rocket, the rocket itself, the payload that constitutes the development in the aerospace field. It is concluded that patent mapping for cosmonautic vehicles is a viable tool for monitoring and managing technology, since patent documents are rich sources of technical information.


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Author Biography

Maria Elisa Marciano Martinez, National Institute of Industrial Property, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversity of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

She graduated and holds a master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo; and, has a specialization in Business Administration for Graduates from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Business Administration in São Paulo. She is currently a researcher in industrial property at the National Institute of Industrial Property. He has experience in chemical engineering, with an emphasis on biochemical processes, micro-enterprise management, and industrial property, including mapping and technological prospecting. In addition to working in the patent directorate at the INPI, it carries out scientific dissemination of industrial property based on technological mapping in several areas.


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How to Cite

Martinez, M. E. M., Reis, M. C. dos, & Wehmann, C. F. (2021). Patentary Mapping on Cosmonautical Vehicles in Brazil. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 873.



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