Covid-19 Pandemic Feedback Paradoxes: breaking the cycle




Covid-19, Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology, Stress Management.


The social isolation associated with the Coronavirus disease-19 pandemic is an important strategy to contain the proliferation of coronavirus and preserve health systems. N, however, chronic exposure to stress due to social isolation associated with massive negative information can promote changes in the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune axis and increase the risk of morbidity and mortality and predisposition to viral infection. This article presents aspects related to the immunopathophysiology of infection by the new coronavirus, bringing a discussion about the consequences of the stress caused by social isolation, as a positive feedback mechanism and risk factor to feed back the Covid-19 pandemic. Patent applications for technological products and articles that analyze integrative approaches for stress reduction, reinforcement of positive brain pathways and the immune system were analyzed in order to break this vicious cycle.


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How to Cite

Sartório, C. L., Juiz, P. J. L., Rodrigues, L. C. de M., & Álvares-da-Silva, A. M. (2020). Covid-19 Pandemic Feedback Paradoxes: breaking the cycle. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(2), 425.