




The recent outbreak of Coronavirus (CORONAVIRUS, COVID-19; SARS-COV-2) has generated a worldwide pandemic that is being experienced at the time of this edition (WHO, 2020). At times like this, the continental dimension of Brazil and the regional differences present themselves as additional aggravating factors to the crisis. So far, the news trumpets figures collected from hospitals and reference laboratories in the Southeast region of Brazil. Certainly, the numbers are true. However, there is a Brazil far from large urban centers. Municipalities in which the Health Post - it is not a health unit - has an attendant and a nurse who can do little to help the citizen who arrives contaminated by the Coronavirus. The apparatus that surrounds large hospitals is entirely unknown in this forgotten Brazil. To the residents of the most remote places of this country, we wish that the virus takes as long to arrive, as it has taken its constitutional rights to health, education, decent housing, science and technology that can save their lives. Cadernos de Prospecção offers a social contribution by mapping existing knowledge and identifying future development routes, visions of the future and/or policies that can contribute to mitigating difficulties and improving society's living conditions. Thus, the first article of this edition was prepared to serve as a motivator for the Special Edition on the Coronavirus that will be published soon. The article consists of an exploratory study to evaluate the existing volume of material and the potential to deepen a technological prospection. The purpose is to assess the knowledge that exists in science (through articles - TRL3), in technology (through patents - TRL4 and TRL5) and in clinical trials (TRL6 to TRL8) and ready to use (through available vaccines). on the market – TRL9). The call for the Special Edition – Coronavirus is now open and interested parties must submit their articles through the Cadernos de Prospecção magazine system, choosing the Special section – CORONAVIRUS.
Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary articles will be accepted. Articles must present global views; must be well focused on the topic and present a deep discussion with well-founded conclusions and must bring the section at the end of the Future Perspectives, which must be well elaborated and detailed.
The initial article motivates the Coronavirus Special Edition. In the Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development section, an initial article presents the comparative analysis of six patent search systems, considering 13 criteria of access type, search engines and tools, base coverage and statistical analysis tools and comparing coverage eight international rankings. Next, the articles that contribute to improve the vision and, consequently, formulate the visions of the future for innovative activities in the local productive arrangement of clothing in the region of Caruaru (PE, Brazil), the innovation policy of the Federal University of Amazonas, the internationalization of the University of Brasília, support for innovation by the Federal Government of Brazil based on the technological readiness scale (TRL), technology transfer in agriculture and the interaction between universities and innovation habitats. In the Technological Prospects of Specific Subjects section, several components for the pharmaceutical and dental industry are focused: conjugated antibodies to treat cancer, nanotechnology in medicines, aloe vera in the pharmaceutical industry, zinc oxide and eugenol (zoe) with piperine for the dental sector, cloves -da-india and eugenol as nematicide and larvicide, bioactive, kaurenoic acid and green propolis. In addition, germinated peanuts in the food sector, smart cities in general and urban mobility in particular, vehicles for printing inks and research project management software records are presented. Finally, the Geographical Indications section presents us with a specific case of guaraná in the territories of Maués and the Andirá-marau indigenous land, focusing on the relationship between the regulation of use of geographical indications and traditional knowledge. We wish readers pleasant moments to taste what the authors present to us and which can enrich their view of the world and, consequently, their active role in improving society's living conditions.    


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Author Biography

Cristina M. Quintella, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

  • Endereço para acessar este CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7897779819494573
  • ID Lattes: 7897779819494573



How to Cite

Bezerra, M. das G. F., & Quintella, C. M. (2020). Editorial. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v13i1.35894


