




Cadernos de Prospecção brings in this annual edition the selection of works presented at the IX ProspeCT&I 2018 - Brazilian Congress of Technological Prospecting and III International Congress of PROFNIT - Professional Master's Degree Intellectual Property and Transfer of Technology for Innovation, which took place from October 23 to 26, 2019 in the city of Brasília. The meeting's mission is to reinforce the dissemination of culture and good practices in innovation, entrepreneurship and social technologies, bringing together the various professionals and researchers that make up the National Forum of Managers of Innovation and Technology Transfer and the PROFNIT Network, a postgraduate program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. The stricto sensu professional master's degree is a social contribution to the improvement of professional skills training for staff of Technological Innovation Centers (NITs) and Innovation-Promoting Environments in various sectors: academic, business, government, social organizations, among others. The event had the partnership of the Legislative Chamber of the Government of the Federal District, the Center for Support to Technological Development of the University of Brasília and the Foundation for Support to Research of the Federal District for its realization and with the presence of international experts from Brazil, China and Portugal, with more than 300 participants, of which 234 were registered, coming from 99 organizations from the government (20), business (26), academic sector (52) and one NGO, totaling participants from 68 cities in 24 Units Federations of Brazil. Within the scope of the PROFNIT Network, 27 of the 33 PROFNIT Focal Points (IFBA, IFCE, IFPA, IFPB, IFRO, IFRS, UEA, UEM, UEMG, UESC, UFAL, UFAM, UFBA, UFERSA, UFMT participated in the event , UFOB, UFOPA, UFPI, UFRJ, UFSC, UFSJ, UFT, UnB, UNICENTRO, UNIFAP, UNIFESSPA and UNIVASF). This number of ICTs is in line with the Network's expansion process, with significant capillarity and presence in all regions of Brazil. The event, in its programming, had as its focus and intention to promote the debate about the technological development and innovation policy scenarios, with the consolidation of SNCTI and Strategic Sectors in order to enable the increase of the economic impact Innovation Policies, integrating Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and Prospecting tools.
The works presented at the event cover several areas related to its focus, with emphasis on entrepreneurship, management and public policies, technological innovation, industrial property, geographical indication, technological prospecting in diverse areas, such as food, data analysis, biotechnology, engineering, development sustainable, artificial intelligence, chemical, health, transport and social technologies, in addition to technology transfer. The 41 articles in this edition of Cadernos de Prospecção are a panoramic perspective of the activities presented at the event, in addition to synthesizing the set of efforts that PROFNIT/FORTEC has promoted in the sense of scientific research and professional training in the different aspects related to the management and promotion of intellectual property during these last years of the decade. The edition has three sections, one on intellectual property, innovation and development (20), and one on technological prospects for specific subjects (20) and that of geographical indications (1). I wish you all a good read!  


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How to Cite

Nascimento, P. G. B. D. (2019). Editorial. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(5), 1010. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v12i5.35709