Innovation Management in the Public Sector: reflections on the ways, barriers and perspectives of innovation within the federal public administration




Innovation Management, Innovation , Public Sector.


To meet the interests of the population, the Brazilian public sector has been implementing innovative practices to address limitations. This study aimed to reflect on the ways, barriers and perspectives of the implementation of innovation in the federal public service. The methodology followed the qualitative, exploratory and bibliographical approach, through research in journals and consultations with specialized websites as secondary sources, as well as documents available on official websites. It was observed that there is a need for the federal government to adopt the systemic approach to innovation and the implementation of organizational innovation in its institutions. It is suggested to increase the participation of agencies and companies in the Innovation in the Federal Public Service competition, promoted by the National School of Public Administration, to carry out new researches to identify appropriate models of innovation management in the federal public sphere and the involvement of leaders for the culture of innovation. The paper is divided into six sections, bringing a more general approach to innovation and related theories until it delimits the Federal Public Administration.


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Author Biographies

Bartolomeu das Neves Marques, Federal Institute of Bahia, Salvador BA, Brazil

Regular student of the Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT/IFBA).

Ângela Maria Ferreira Lima, Federal Institute of Bahia, Salvador BA, Brazil

PhD in Sciences, Energy and Environment, UFBA; Master in Environmental Management and Technologies in the Production Process, UFBA; Specialist in Environmental Management and Technologies in Industry, UFBA; Specialist in Occupational Safety Engineering, UFPB; Materials Engineer, UFPB. Permanent Professor of the Master's Degree in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT), at the IFBA Focal Point.

André Luis Rocha de Souza, Federal Institute of Bahia, Salvador BA, Brazil

Doctor in Industrial Engineering from the Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering- PEI/UFBA (2012-2016). Master in Business Administration (2010-2012) and Specialist in Corporate Finance (2009-2010), both from the Postgraduate Business Administration Center - NPGA/EAUFBA. Specialist in Accounting, Expertise and Auditing from Universidade Norte do Paraná, UNOPAR (2017-2018); MBA in Public Accounting and Fiscal Responsibility from the UNINTER International University Center (PR) (2019-2020). Bachelor in Accounting Sciences from Fundação Visconde de Cairu (2004-2007). Director of Administration and Planning at IFBA/Campus de Salvador (2020- ) Permanent Professor and Vice-Coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation PROFNIT/IFBA. Professor and Researcher at the Federal Institute of Bahia - IFBA

Marcio Luis Valença Araújo, Federal Institute of Bahia, Salvador BA, Brazil

Permanent Professor of the Multi-Institutional and Multidisciplinary Doctorate in Knowledge Diffusion (DMMDC) UFBA/IFBA/LNCC/UNEB/CIMATEC. Permanent Professor of the Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT). Professor at the Federal Institute of Bahia. Doctor in Computational Modeling by the MCTI program of Senai CIMATEC with the line of research in Complex Systems. Master in Computer Modeling by the MCTI program of Senai CIMATEC (Salvador-BA). MBA at FGV-SP (Campinas-SP) and extension at Ohio University (USA), degree in Data Processing at Faculdade Ruy Barbosa.


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How to Cite

Marques, B. das N., Lima, Ângela M. F., Souza, A. L. R. de, & Araújo, M. L. V. (2020). Innovation Management in the Public Sector: reflections on the ways, barriers and perspectives of innovation within the federal public administration. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(4), 1069.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento