Worldwide Trends in Knowledge Generation and Intellectual Property of Microencapsulation of Vegetable Oils, Especially Coffee Oil
Intelectual Property, Microencapsulation, Coffee Oil.Abstract
Vegetable oils and their components have historically been used by the food, textile, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, mainly due to the presence of substances with bioactive and sensory potential. Vegetable oils and, among them, coffee oil are susceptible to oxidation, which reduces their quality and shelf life. One of the ways of preserving the main components of vegetable oils is through their microencapsulation. This work aimed at identify the main international trends in the microencapsulation of vegetable oils, in particular coffee oil. The following keyword combinations were applied in the topic field of the consulted databases: (i) “microencapsulation” AND “vegetable oil”; (ii) “microencapsulation” AND “vegetable oil” AND “spray drying”; (iii) “vegetable oil” AND “spray drying” and (iv) “microencapsulation” AND “coffee oil”, (v) “coffee oil” AND “spray drying” and (vi) “microencapsulation” AND “coffee oil” AND Spray drying. In the analyzed works, the microencapsulated oils were mainly intended for food (human and animal), pharmaceutical industry, preservation of bioactive compounds, cosmetics and polymers. Despite being the largest producer and largest exporter of coffee in the world, Brazil has no presented technology in the issue of patents but is the leader in the publication of scientific articles related to the use of microencapsulation for food/oil preservation
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