Systematic Review of the Literature of Professional Skills for Innovation: an analysis of the last 10 years




Innovation, Skills, Education.


Competencies play a central role in innovation systems and the dynamics of economic growth, so much so that innovation policies address competency development as a strategic issue. Innovative ability, while being an individual skill, applied together, makes companies and the society in which they work more competitive. This study is characterized by a systematic literature review that aims to identify which skills are necessary for the worker to develop some innovation. The research has resulted in 130 studies to find out what skills a worker needs to develop some innovation. The results indicate that there is no consensus on what the professional competences to innovate would be, considering that the competence itself, as well as the innovation itself are highly contextual phenomena and that there are gaps in the literature about how an individual can learn them within a teaching-learning process.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Henrique Oliveira Silva, Federal University of Alagoas

Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation from the Federal University of Alagoas in 2019.

Ibsen Mateus Bittencourt, Federal University of Alagoas

PhD in Business Administration from Mackenzie in 2016.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. H. O. ., & Bittencourt, I. M. (2021). Systematic Review of the Literature of Professional Skills for Innovation: an analysis of the last 10 years. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(4), 1130–1144.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento