PATENT PLEDGE: Legal and technological analysis




Patents, Patent Pledge, Tesla.


The so-called Patent Pledge is a relatively recent legal institute and can be defined as a publicly held pledge by patent holders to allow the use of their patents by third parties. The article seeks to define this kind of unilateral act, identifying its characteristics, various forms and motivation for its establishment. Legal aspects of Brazilian legislation are approached in order to relate the concepts to national law. An analysis of a commitment made by a company, Tesla, Inc., is also performed, emphasizing its strengths and weaknesses, and if the technologies available are in line with the company's proposal and its motivation for patent commitment. It is concluded that patent pledge can be considered as a form of technology transfer, and that it may include several ways, since related to patent access, forms of remuneration until the existence of specified conditions or not. Although Tesla's announcement came as extremely positive news, patent recipients should observe a number of cautions regarding the specified conditions.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Beatriz Beger Uchôa, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceio, AL, Brazil


Bruno Beger Uchôa, Federal Attorney General

Federal Attorney


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How to Cite

Uchôa, S. B. B., & Uchôa, B. B. (2019). PATENT PLEDGE: Legal and technological analysis. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(4), 810.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento