Technological Prospection on Mouthwash With Whitening Potential




Mouthwash, Teeth whitening, Technological Prospection.


The mouthwashes began to be used 219 years ago, due to the big difficulty of mechanical oral hygiene. In recente years, it has been widely used for cosmetic and social reasons. Most have bactericidal effect mainly against Streptococcus sp. Another aspect of the use is the application of technologies in it’s formulation, which concomitante with the use generate whitening of dental color. In order to obtain numerical and historical data on patents related to mouthwash with bleaching potential, a technological prospection was performed. Using Espacenet database, it was noticed that the United States and China have the largest number of innovations related to this technology, but it is still underexplored due to the low number of technologies. Brazil does not have patents filed on mouthwashes with whitening potential, but with the increasing consumption of mouthwashes, this may change.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, B. de, & Leite, M. F. (2020). Technological Prospection on Mouthwash With Whitening Potential. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(4), 1122.



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