Prospective Study of Scientific and Technological Bases Used in Search for Anteriority in the Areas of Life Sciences




Pre-Prospecting, Patents, Scientific Publications.


Among the activities performed by the Technological Innovation Centers, the search for scientific and patent information is considered essential and provides important elements to support the decision making process in Science and Technology Institutes. Few works found in the literature present guidelines as to which scientific and technological bases are the most indicated for conducting studies in the areas and subareas inherent to the medical and biological sciences. Therefore, the present work aims to map the main scientific and technological bases that can be used in studies in the areas of life sciences. Such tools were identified by reading the title, abstract and methodology fields of papers published by the journals Cadernos de Prospecção, Geintec and by CEE. The results indicated that Espacenet, INPI, Patentscope, USPTO and WoS were the most used bases in the studies, suggesting their use in the retrieval of documents from the areas specified above.


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How to Cite

Santos, J. R., & Rocha, A. M. (2021). Prospective Study of Scientific and Technological Bases Used in Search for Anteriority in the Areas of Life Sciences. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 784.



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